Day 13: Cardio XT

Hi everyone!

A new workout today... Cardio XT.

This is the first time I've worked out with TapouT first thing in the morning, before breakfast.

It wasn't too bad. That said, not sure it's the best time for me. Not enough fuel in the jetpack to hang tough with KTrain and the team.

When Mike says it's gonna be a fun workout but a "cooker" as you're getting started, you know you're in for it.  And... he delivered today, for sure. I'm torched, but smiling.

Let's hit the headlines below.


1. There's a good reason Mike says "Just stay with me." a bunch of times today. You want to quit.
2. Some of the new boxing moves here are FUN. They make me feel legit - or will once I can do them right. :-)
3. The smaller team of 3 was helpful today. I could focus on their form throughout a move and really watch their flow.
4. No question this workout delivers major cardio results, while still building muscle.
5. Some of the moves today were insanely challenging, even though they didn't look it. Surprise.

The Scoop

It's cool to be on Day 13 and have a new workout mixed in. This workout is tough. It's filled with some totally new moves and it works my body in new and different ways. There's a heavy boxing influence on this one that is really fun. I'm pretty sure I looked completely ridiculous on some of the moves, but I was having so much fun that I didn't care one bit. Well, maybe I wasn't having fun on every single move, but most of them!

Memorable Moves

Here are some of the more memorable moves for me in this new workout. (For those who know me personally, try to visualize me doing these and you'll know I was grinning ear to ear while still trying to look tough.)
1- XT Sprints.  Sounds easy. Is not. Sprinting with your hands up in Y shape over your head. Ouch. Must. Improve. Cardio. Fitness.
2- XT Squat Jacks. Full squat with hands crossed in front of the knees, then explode up into an extended jumping jack, and fold immediately back to full squat. Rapid fire. Go. Love/Hate relationship with these because they actually feel great but they're so hard! 
3- Burpees. Aw, c'mon. These are rrrr-ough. Stand tall. Touch your toes. Jump into plank. Knee drive. Knee drive. Explode up to your feet. Knee drive. Knee drive. Repeat and go fast. Grrr. a) I don't explode well at all. b) I was just about to quit when Mike said "Stay with me here..." so I finished them out. Wow.
 4- How about one I loved... Duck and Punch.  Stand tall, fighter position. Dip and lean into a squat to the left (as if avoiding a punch), come up and throw a punch. Duck right and repeat. Butt on fire, cardio hit... and you look kinda like a real boxer.  :-D  What more can a girl ask for?
There are so many other moves I could highlight that were hard and/or fun.  I'll share more next time I knock this workout out. Maybe next time I'll hit the Killer move too. Watched it today, mesmerized, while I started to cool down. It probably delivers better results if you actually DO the move. :) Sorry, Mike!


With this workout, I wrap up Week 2.  I love TapouT XT. It pushes me, but inspires me to be stronger and more fit. Cardio XT is a great addition to the line-up in my opinion. You hit it hard, you're mixing it up, you're having fun, you're struggling on some of the moves. I dig it. Next time, I think I'll do it with some food in my belly. Maybe just a carb hit just prior.

Favorite Mike quote today:  "Let me tell you, it's gonna be a fun workout today. But I warn you, it's not gonna be easy. You're gonna get your sweat on."


Tomorrow is rest day (she says with total glee), so I'll be back day after tomorrow to start Week 3! Happy 4th of July to everyone. Be safe.


My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:


  1. I wanted to see how you did on your first Cardio XT. I can't believe you survived! You are one fit woman! Much respect earned. Wow.

    1. That's awesome - thank you! Cardio XT still torches me, even now after the 90 days. But I'm still crushing it. :-)
