Day 26: Sprawl and Brawl

Hi everyone!

Today is Sprawl and Brawl, Day 26 for me. This workout completely torches me. I mean, I am toast at the end. It may actually be a toss up with Plyo, as to which one is harder for me. (Of course, I don't do most of the explode moves in Plyo, so that may explain why it isn't a runaway train winner for hardest workout!) My point? Sprawl and Brawl is HARD!

A friend of mine asked me today why this workout is so hard. Well... I'll enter the video below as Exhibit A, Your Honor. Then we can hit the headlines!

Exhibit A: Sprawl and Brawl: Mountain Climber Tuck Ins


1- Well, I like some of the stretches in the warm-up a lot. Do they count toward liking the workout? Yeah, probably not.
2- When I made my frantic notes about memorable moves, there were six. Six! All intense. That's kind of a lot. (Ahem.)
3- I will be hearing Mike say "Back here with me" in my sleep tonight. Notice I didn't say in my dreams. Grrrrr.
4- At one point late in the workout, Mike says "Pretend you're hitting me."  You think? (I joke.)
5- Despite the fact that I find this one grueling... it hurts so good. I like it. What's wrong with me?!?

Memorable Moves

I won't highlight all six tough moves I noted, but here are a few that really torched me.

1- Fighter Burpee Groiner Punches.  Standing in fight position (half squat), drop to plank, knock out two groiners, "pop" back up to fight position, and knock out a couple of punches. Repeat. Quickly. It's all a bit fuzzy to me at this point, but I think that's the general sequence. The good news is that if I tried this move in a street fight with a mugger, he would be dazed and confused enough to move onto another target victim. Or, on the other hand, he might see how tired I was after just a few of these... grab my purse, and run! Note to self: don't try this. 

2- Mountain Climber/Tuck Ins.  I don't really need to comment. Just watch the video. Man, these are tough, especially if I keep my butt down. I know they have to be working, but when he calls them out I wince a little bit. 

3- Killer Move:  Fall/PushUp/Mountain Climbers. This killer move is, well, killer. Essentially you fall into plank position, knock out a pushup and then do the climbers and pop back up. For a long time. Wow. At the end of a ~45 minute workout. I think someone did something to piss Mike off. Or he was trying to break the MMA guys on the floor.  :-) Mission accomplished. We're all torched.

Flat out, there's nothing to say except that this *^&% is hard. My clothes and towel are drenched at the end. What made today funny was that my dog Doogie was fascinated with the workout for some reason. He was underfoot for every lunge. I'd shoo him away. He'd come back. I wonder if he's like my parents who watched while I was in Austin... maybe he feels like he got a great workout too?

Favorite Mike quote of the day:  "I know I love the warm-up... 'cuz it's not the workout!"  Never have more true words been spoken. :)


More tomorrow, 


My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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