Day 21: Competition Core

Hi everyone!

Today was supposed to be my rest day... but I was missing my TapouT high, so I hit it! Come and get it? I did!

TapouT is on the road with me this week. Check out the photo. Could it be any easier to take an awesome workout on the road? Answer = NO!  It's so easy to travel with TapouT. I was able to get a great workout in, with zero hassle. Note - I even brought my beloved leg band with me. :-)

Of course, it may be easy to travel with TapouT, but actually doing the workout - not as easy!!

Moving onto the headlines, below.


1. Doing TapouT in front of other people, who are just watching, earns you MAD respect. It's impressive.
2. Interestingly, working out in front of other people makes me push myself harder. I need to hold on to that motivation.
3. Competition Core is intense. My abs are getting stronger every day, but this is still a PUSH.
4. I did every single move this time on this workout. That's a huge difference from last time. :)
5. I hit the pool right after the workout. In my workout clothes, no less. Now that's a great way to wrap up a tough one!

Memorable Moves

Competition Core has a bunch of memorable moves. Good and bad! But here are a few standouts for me today.
1- Snow Angels.  Aw, I really love these. Last time and this time. <3
2- Orlie Hop.  Here's a quote from my post last time I did this workout:  "Here are the memorable moves that I tapped out on, sadly. Orlie Hop, Plank Hip Rotator and Side Burping." BOOM.  I nailed these this time. And I actually liked the Orlie Hop much more than I thought I would!
3- Plank Hip Rotater. Yep, this one too. Once I got a feel for it, I hit it hard. I may have looked ridiculous ("may" have?), but I did 'em! 
4- Reverse Lunge With A Pull.  Yowsa. Lunge backwards with the band, and raise up arms with tension. This move feels strangely great (the stretch?), but tough.  

This workout is intense. But like ALL the other TapouT workouts, it works - you - out! My abs are getting strong and my form is improving on all the moves. I have a long way to go before I can kill this workout like the team on the screen. But there's no doubt I'm seeing progress.

Favorite Mike quote of the day:  "Know what the fun of this is? Warrior! Are we gonna stretch now? Noooooo." I cracked up. KTrain looked pretty delighted with himself as he teased us all.  :-D  Love him.

The next two workouts are both new for me:  Buns & Guns and Muy Thai. I'm stoked! And better yet? I didn't use my rest day today, so I have a "floater" and can decide which day is best for rest while I'm on the road.  SWEET!

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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