Day 41: Sprawl... and Brawl

Hey, hey... Day 41 for Sprawl <pause>... and Brawl.

Hit a late one today, starting the workout around 7:45pm. As much as I complain about early morning workouts, you'd think I'd love an evening workout. Nope. With TapouT, I seem to be a mid-afternoon or early evening fly girl. 

My hubby came through the door half-way thru S&B tonight. He stopped, watched for a second, said "Good girl" and went upstairs before I could catch my breathe and invite him to join me. Smart man. When he came back down awhile later, I was hitting the "killer move."  He encouraged me with "Okay, now. Hit it. It's the killer move!"  

All I could muster in reply was "This sh*t is hard."  :-D

To the headlines, below.


1. Note to self. Try not to do Sprawl and Brawl late at night. My heart is still pounding an hour later.
2. Some of the moves in this workout make me want to throw up. Literally. Not so bad individually, but stacked and paced so fast, guh!
3. I kicked out some serious mountain climber/tuck work today. Huge improvement over earlier workouts.
4. Those three directional lunges make me want to punch Mike right in the face. With love in my heart, of course.
5. I almost (note ALMOST) did a substitute workout today for the first time. It would've been very lame. So glad I got back on track.

Guilty Confession

Okay, guilty confession time. First, I contemplated using a rest day (early) so I didn't have to workout. I couldn't live with that. So then I decided to do Muay Thai instead of Sprawl and Brawl. It's SO much more fun, shorter, and well... a gazillion times easier for me. I put the DVD in, pressed play, and then suddenly had a tremendous feeling of lameness. What the hell was I doing? This is extreme fitness. I will have to substitute at some point I'm sure. But on a day when I don't need to? When I'm perfectly healthy and just feeling tired and lazy? Hell no. Popped the DVD, put in Sprawl and Brawl and pressed play. It's a hard, but fantastic workout. I'm really glad I knocked it out. I have my TapouT support team to thank for reminding me what this path is all about for me. Fitness. Commitment. Challenge. And Awesomeness. Chronic awesomeness, to be exact. What a great thing to not want to let myself down... or the people on my team who support me every day. <3

Memorable Move

I'll keep this short. Several moves in this workout slay me. It's really hard and pushes me in almost every way:  strength, flexibility, and endurance. I can do all the moves now, most of them fairly pure, although still with chick push-ups. :-/ But a few moves... grrrrrr.  Three Directional Lunges With Punches, several times. Groiner and Burpee Combos. And those Walking Planks with Push-ups. Not to mention Diving Push-ups. Just ouch. I'm thankful every time I do this workout that no one can see me making faces and funny noises.

Memorable Mike Quote Of The Day

Mike says early on, "We don't quit TapouT. We crush it." This is my new favorite quote. I try to really crush this workout. I think I'm becoming more of a crusher every time. At least in my own mind. Not sure I gave my most crushing performance today, but I came and got it.

The funniest quote today though was Mike commenting to a woman on the floor:  "You have that look on your face like you could kill someone. Hopefully it's not me."  

Oh, it's you alright.

Rest tomorrow but back the day after!

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
    Author and Coach:


  1. Good job sticking with the workouts, and getting it done.
    I'm starting week 3 and still getting "gassed" for now making it through, but not quitting, just hitting pause :)
    Keep Up The Good Fight

    1. Thanks, Rich! So happy to have partners on this journey. Some of these workouts torch me completely!! :) You keep up the good fight too and don't forget to have fun with it!
