Day 71: Buns & Guns

Well it IS called Buns... and Guns.  What a great demonstration of both!  :)

Happy Friday morning, at the start of a long weekend. It's Day 71. I'm coming off of a double workout yesterday, and feeling it!

Plyo was on the calendar, but I used one of my substitution cards today. Yep, I told myself I could do up to 5 substitutions in the first 90 days depending on time, mood, and soreness. No misses allowed unless the circumstances were extreme - just substitutions.

Today was substitution #4. Sorry, Plyo. I chose Buns & Guns today instead. I'm still so torched from yesterday that I couldn't even contemplate Plyo today! I may mix Plyo back in as a substitution on another day, but I won't count it as a substitution because it's so much harder than the others! That's what I'd consider a bad-trade. '-)

Buns & Guns is one of my favorite workouts. And for more than one reason. To the headlines below!


1. Double TapouT workouts make my body feel every one of my 48 years. I got into bed early last night and dropped like a bag of rocks.
2. My early plan to allow for a small number of exceptions (5) feels particularly genius today.
3. I chose Buns & Guns because I love it. It's a) short, b) fun, c) intense, and d) pays off with crazy results.
4. I'd be lying if I didn't say that the photo above is also part of my motivation. Ahem. Mike does a lot of these moves and "inspires" my attention.
5. This week I earned my rest day. I pushed myself all week and didn't do any less today. NOW, the weekend can begin. Love that.

Memorable Move

Today's memorable move is the one pictured above with Mike:  Sumo Squat Curls. I mean, the workout is called Buns & Guns for a reason. This move is a cooker... hits the buns for obvious reasons when you're in Sumo Squat. And then as you flex your biceps on the curl, say hello to your guns. It's intense, but strangely fun. Maybe it's because I picture myself as a sumo wrestler while I do it? Either way, this move is just mad fun and isolates muscle improvement in two areas that are near and dear to my heart.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

This really doesn't need commentary as to why it's a favorite line:
"You thought it would be this easy, but it's not. Watch this! This is the gun show and the bun show. Drop down. Right here. Sumo Squat that bad boy, and come up. Ready?"
Love TapouT. Really love Buns & Guns. My husband Pat says it's one of his favorites too. He stood behind me and watched for a bit today.  :-D

Rest day tomorrow, but back on Sunday!

Have a safe and fantastic long weekend,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:  

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