Day 63: Legs & Back

It's Thursday, Day 63, with Legs & Back on the agenda.

It's always hard to come back from vacation and not feel like you need... well, a vacation. All that energy and enthusiasm spent playing is exhausting. I used my rest day for travel, so I had to jump right back in yesterday with Yoga. Somehow today seemed harder than yesterday, to get back in the swing of things.

I decided to think of the peaceful setting I just left to remind me how much it was worth spending my rest day to travel home.  :)  

Dolphin Bay Resort in Pismo Beach, California.

I'm thankful I had the vacation in the first place, so no bitching or whining for me.  I'm back and at it!  

Hello, Legs & Back.

To the headlines, below.


1. As much as I love my Ripcord leg band, I haven't totally mastered the art of the quick transition. Yikes, Mike is fast on this one.
2. Push-ups with the band aren't fun for me. I mixed it up today; some with, some without. It made me happier.  :)
3. I really like the moves in this workout, especially the leg moves. This workout is no joke, that's for sure.
4. Plank Jumping Jacks and Standing Jumping Jacks w/Leg Band... are hard. Why do I like them?
5. There is no question that my legs are solid from TapouT. Especially my hamstrings. I like.

Memorable Move

Mike gets pretty excited about the Snatch Front move. (Band held across the front of the body with arms wide. As you lift the band over your head and hold it wide in back, you squat. With some intensity.) I admit that I groan when I see him prepping the band. But here's the weird thing... it's hard, particularly at the point it comes in the workout. I should hate it. I don't. Well, I do hate it. But I love it. I can feel this move working my legs, butt and back intensely with every rep. I can see why Mike loves this move. But don't tell him. It's more fun to groan and grumble when he calls it. '-)

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

Early in the workout, Mike says "Trust me. It's gonna get more fun from here." I don't think he means "more fun" in the traditional sense. In fact, I'm pretty positive he doesn't mean that at all. Except for the fact that with TapouT Warriors, less fun = more fun in a weird and unexplainable way. So, as it turns out, I guess Mike is telling the truth after all. Duly noted. 

More "fun" tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
    Author and Coach:

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