Day 42: Rest and Day 43: @#$%^&* (Plyo)

"TGIF" to you... which today not only means Thank Goodness It's Friday.

For me, it also means Thank Goodness I Finished... @#$%^&*, also known as Plyo.

Today I had a really important realization about this workout and why it is such a push for me and others. All the workouts are challenging, but Plyo is something a bit more than just challenging.

Let's jump straight to the headlines, below.


1. Plyo is hard from JUMP... minute one, even the warm-up is tough, which means 52 minutes of intensity. More on that below.
2. I want to count the number of squats and lunges in this workout. I was so tired today, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Let's agree: a ton.
3. I have to modify a lot in this workout. Can't handle the jumps. And it still torches me. Strangely, I'm thankful for that.
4. I feel better seeing the team on the dvd struggle with some of the moves. It's not that misery loves company. Well, actually, yes it is.
5. What I love most about this workout, is that you can tell Mike loves it. I think he sees it as a gift to our fitness. :)

My BIG Realization:  Early Commitment

This workout commands respect. Mike starts the workout by saying, "Keep your energy up. We warm up the way that we train. So let's get this thing going. Right here. Right now."

The first time you do this workout, you see that the warm-up is set for 6 minutes, which doesn't seem bad at all. It almost feels like a luxury to have a nice long "warm-up." Here's what you learn as you start to do the workout:  The warm-up IS a workout. It's harder than some people's FULL workouts. 

Don't believe me? Here's the six minute run down. Consider the pace needed to complete all of this in 6 minutes.

  • Jump rope
  • Jog with high knees
  • Standing hip stretches
  • 10 reverse lunges with stretches
  • 10 forward lunges with twists
  • 10 curtsy lunges
  • 12 roll back, roll forward stretches
  • 12 single-leg windshield wipers
  • 20 leg swings while in bridge position
  • Jump rope, again
  • Jog with high knees, again
  • Standing hip stretches, again

This is JUST THE WARM-UP, which is followed by an additional 46 MINUTE HIGH-INTENSITY WORKOUT. 

So my big realization is this. Plyo is hard. It's hard by design. It's intended to push even the most extreme of fitness elite. It works your legs, your butt, and your core. It improves your cardio fitness, your endurance, and your tolerance for discomfort. I don't like it. But I should. 

Mike delivers this intense 52 minute workout with such energy and joy... I really do think he loves it. It's like his personal gift of fitness on a silver platter, to anyone who will take the challenge. While I'd like to coach Mike on his gift-giving skills <grin>, I will instead accept the gift of feeling like I want to pass out once a week when Plyo comes around. Hope Mike isn't expecting a thank you card for this one.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

At one point during this workout the team is struggling to keep form. Mike is counting down the move and looks behind him. It goes something like this: "5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - OH, it's a MESS - 2 - 1 and done."

Oh, it's a mess alright. Good thing you can't see through the TV to my little world. It's wheels-off-the-cart messy. Even Doogie the dog turned his back on me today, showing zero interest in Plyo, despite his normal fascination with TapouT. Smart dog. Lucky dog. :-)

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
    Author and Coach:

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