Day 54: Sprawl & Brawl

It's Tuesday, Day 54... fresh off of Sprawl & Brawl.

In case you're wondering where I've been (miss me?)... I took two rest days this week vs. one.  But have no fear - I will make up the workout one day this week with a double day. I needed the extra rest day, but I don't want to miss a workout unless I have a really good reason.

As usual, S&B kicked my behind today. I really like this workout and it goes pretty quickly. For some reason I was thinking this was the one with The Grinder, so I was also totally delighted at the end when I realized it wasn't.

I'm not sure if it's the Sprawl or the Brawl that requires all the burpees...? Must be Sprawl? Whichever part it is, that's my least favorite. :)

To the headlines, below.


1. My fav part of S&B is still the MMA fighters, scraping it out every step of the way. Watching them do the moves "authentically" is cool.
2. Burpees are not fun. Interestingly, they look fun when other people do them. But no. Not fun for me.
3. The mix of moves on this workout is cool. Alternating the lunges with the punches gives relief too.
4. Three directional lunges are getting easier. A lot easier if I'm truthful. I think that means this is working.
5. When Mike says early on that this workout is gonna get intense, I laugh now. Because I know it's true.

Memorable Move

I mention above that Three Directional Lunges are getting easier. The move is memorable for me today for two reasons. First, I can do them without having to quit now, for the multiple times we do them on S&B. Second, I don't whine, whimper or curse. This is perhaps the greater accomplishment. I'm surprised because I don't particularly like lunges. But I'm so much stronger after this first 50+ days that they don't crush me like they used to in the volume we do them on TapouT. They still work. They still hurt. I still have to push it. But now I crush them vs. the other way around. Pretty cool.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

In the last round, Mike is watching "V" do her three directional lunges with punches. He says, "Look how she throws her punches. She's not a fighter. But she's got some fight in her."

Well, there you go. Me too. I'm not a fighter, but I've definitely got some fight in me. Jab. Cross. Uppercut. Elbow. I love the punches and kicks. Not so sure I love the Sprawl, but I love the Brawl!

More tomorrow,

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