Day 5: Legs and Back

Hi everyone!

It's a bit of a miracle that I decided to "come and get it" today. My beautiful Boulder has a wild fire burning out of control and very close to my house. I spent the afternoon preparing to vacate after receiving a pre-evacuation notice from city officials. We've packed all the basics and we're ready to go if the situation requires it. We're in wait and see mode as I type this late Tuesday evening. We're hopeful the amazing firefighters who are working this fire will achieve some containment tonight and tomorrow. 


Despite the misadventures of this day... I did Legs and Back tonight. Yes. I. Did. It was a great distraction from hour after hour of fire updates on tv and online. I didn't get to it until around 9pm, but I did it. :-) I'm proud of myself for even considering it, let alone doing it.

On to the headlines for today...


1. Getting a workout in on a day that flat-out bites, just feels good.
2. This workout is a little shorter than the others. I won't lie. That made me happy.
3. My butt is on fire like much of Boulder. (I still have a sense of humor, which is shocking.)
4. Power moves = I am so lame. I think I may be afraid to really try them. Hmmm.
5. I dig this workout. A lot.
6. Because I was so proud of myself for working out today, I had chocolate after. Delish.
7. I'll go on record that while packing precious few things to take if we had to evacuate, TapouT was among the items I packed. I'm committed.

The Scoop:

There's a lot to like about this workout. First, who doesn't want awesome legs? They're one of my favorite body parts and I love working them. Mike's workout had me dripping with sweat by the end, even though I didn't feel like I was dying in the process. Well, relatively speaking compared to push on days 1-4. Maybe I was just distracted with everything else going on?

Second, the moves are straight up effective. Lunges, squats, marching.  All killer for the legs. And Mike pushes through it fast, adding power moves to make you want to scream. I didn't hit them all or keep up as fast as the team on some, but I got a GREAT leg workout.

Third, the back elements were great and so were the combined full-body moves. I normally don't like working anything else when I work legs. But I liked this combination and felt like I got a good balanced workout in a tight window of time. This may end up being one of my favorite workouts. Of course I may be high from all the smoke from the wildfire?

Memorable Moves

What I loved about most of the moves today is that they were creative, but didn't stray too far from the proven basics that we all hate. I mean, love. The rows, dead lifts, and shrugs were great. The pushups with alterations like cross punches and pull backs added an extra push to challenge the back. The lunges, squats and associated power moves were brutal, and fantastic.
Move 1 - I call them "kill me now." Mike calls them "Lunge. Squat. Pushkick." Seriously? Kinda fun, but bbbb-brutal. And they're fast. It will be impossible not to have an amazing ass after getting really good at these. Therefore, I'm in.
Move 2 - Tire Flips. In this move, we essentially pretend we're flipping a big old truck tire from the ground to up over our heads. Very fun and k-pow to the muscles.
Move 3 - Superman Power-up Push-ups. a) I didn't want to do them. b) I couldn't if I tried. c) I modified and powered through. d) I love KTrain a little less today b/c of this move. :-o
I have to say that I still need to master the leg band. The workout comes with a small circle band that you put around your feet, ankles, wrists or hands for certain moves. Mine would not stay. I need to do some practice with this when it's not real-time so I can see what everyone else is doing differently. It makes everything hard, which is the point, but I spent half the time trying to keep it in place. Must practice. :-)


Mike makes this look so easy. He's so smooth, making it appear effortless. I like that the team struggles with some of the moves. It makes me feel... less lame. Ha!  I figure if they've been doing it for awhile and it's hard for them, it's okay for me to struggle a bit. It also means that this workout will sustain well beyond beginner status... I'll be able to do it and feel challenged over time. I love that.

Mike was funny throughout today's program. He kept me laughing the whole time. And today's memorable Mike quote is money:  "That is like mustard and ketchup on a hotdog. Oooo." I totally cracked up and forgave him for all the madness and hard work that came before. So fun.  Love it.

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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