Day 9: Strength & Force Upper XT

Hi Everyone!

Wooooooooo.  I'm whooped.  In a really good way.

Today's workout was awesome.

Check out the headlines. :)


1. Lower body workouts used to be my favorites. Not anymore.
2. This workout is fantastic. Better the 2nd time than the 1st.
3. I can already see serious improvements in my strength on just day 9.
4. My arms look more solid, more cut already.
5. I didn't tap out today even once. Hell, yeah.

The Scoop

When I scooped this back on Day 2, I liked this workout. It was intense, but good. I remember that the first time, I powered through the workout, but it was a real struggle to keep up.  This time, I got through it MUCH better. I kept up, I hit most of the reps without pause, and my form was 100% improved.  I feel great. I'm still doing mostly girl push-ups, but I hit them all and did them well. Progress!!

Memorable Moves

I love so many of the moves on this workout. But today's most memorable move is #1 below.
1-  KILLER MOVE:  KARPENKO CURLS.  I passed on the killer moves at the end of each workout the first week, watching the form and doing a sampling of it.  Today I hit Karpenko curls hard. Nailed it to the wall.  I can't really describe this to my friends not doing the program except to say you're on the ground, with taut bands around your feet and doing rapid fire bicep curls and then paced up and down curls for several minutes. It's intense. It's awesome. I love it. And... my arms are like dead pythons right now.
2- Two moves I couldn't do last time:  Hover Pushups and Foot Slap Pushups.  Today, did them both. May not have looked too pretty, but I did them full-on.  The foot slaps are a little tricky, but I was doing them with full vs. chick pushups. It's just a matter of time before I get better at them. They're strangely kinda fun. I hope to be doing full pushups by week four for all exercises. Yee-ah.

This may be my favorite workout to-date. I've never liked upper body workouts, but this is killer. It's fun, it's really well-paced so the time flies, and I can feel every muscle in my body saying "YES."

You may notice that I'm not doing the Ab XT workout directly after this one. I didn't want to ruin a very happy workout high. :-)  Mike should take that as a compliment. I'll mix it in another day this week for sure though. There's no quitting in TapouT.

Favorite Mike quote today: "You gotta EARN those biceps!"  Yes, sir. I did. They're fired up!

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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