Day 10: Early Update on Results

Hi everyone!

Today is Day 10.

I know a lot of people start programs like this expecting to see some kind of tangible "proof" that the program is working for them in the first few days. When they don't see the proof they want, they quit. I suppose it's part of our society these days to want immediate... everything. I'm no different. Immediate gratification is hard to beat.

But with fitness programs, I usually don't expect quick progress. I know that it takes time to see results. This is particularly true for me in recent years. Since I turned 40, I've tried to stay pretty fit. I have a variable range that I play happily within, sometimes more curvy and sometimes really lean. When I do these programs, I'm generally looking for incremental improvements in my body and fitness level. Sometimes I do them so I can stop watching what I eat and indulge with abandon! Actually, that's usually the driver. I'm a healthy girl, but I love to indulge sometimes - without hesitation. Moderation in all things.

SO... guess what?

I didn't expect to have actual results to post after only ten days, but to my surprise... I do. :-)

On to the headlines. Or skip to "The Real Scoop" below if you just want the nums.

Results Headlines

1. My mind:  I love this workout. It's hard. It pushes me. It whoops me. It makes me want to do the work.

2. My fitness:  I feel amazing. I feel strong. I feel powerful. I feel fit. I feel bad-ass.

3. My body: Changes I'm seeing in my body (ALREADY) are subtle in some ways and obvious in others. All pretty amazing.

The Scoop

The biggest change I see so far is in my shoulders and arms. They are firm and shapely. My shoulders are rounding out beautifully. This is great, because I think lean, but strong shoulders on women are beautiful. My biceps are taking on a really cool shape.  They're more full, but not in a bulky way. My trips are poppin. I love the overall affect.  After only 10 days I really can't imagine how gorgeous my guns might be at the end of 90 days.  It's inspiring.

The second biggest change is in my stomach. It's usually pretty flat. But I can see some new definition and, if it makes sense, some new "curve" to the line. I like it. I'm anxious to see what I can do with my abs. I don't really want a six pack; but I do want strength and tautness. This will be really important as I head toward 50 (cough) soon.

Third, I like the look of a lean torso. When I 'swing' in my range of fitness, this is where I see the biggest difference at various times over a calendar year. After ten days, I feel more lean. I don't like any scrunch when I sit down. When I feel it, I kick up the fitness. I already see improvement here and my smaller sized clothes are already more comfy. Nice. Not sure others would notice a change just yet in clothes, but they will soon.

The Real Scoop

I know, I know, get to the point.  Here are the results after 10 days without any material change to my diet. In fact, I had a few pretty indulgent days during this period. After all, I "earned" them. Dangerous mindset long-term, I know. Sorry KTrain.  But it's okay. Check it. :-)

Weight: Lost 3.5 pounds
Body Fat: Lost 2% body fat

Chest:  Lost half an inch
Waist:  Lost 1.5 inches
Hips:    Lost half an inch
Arms:   Gained half an inch (but all good)
Thighs: No change, but really firm

Bottom Line

I'm blown away that I have anything material to report. I'm surprised, but on the other hand not. This workout is hard and I've been committed. I'm not great at power moves, or rapid fire sequences. But I'm getting better. I'm more enthusiastic than ever to see just how far I can push myself.

I won't be dumb about it and push to a level I don't think I can maintain over time. But I might work just a little harder at that damn Plyo workout today now that the program has tossed me a treat of early results. Like a dog with a biscuit, I'll keep doing what KTrain asks to get another!

More later after Plyo!

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:


  1. 10 Days done and I just keep feeling better and better! Your blog makes it feel as though I'm doing this with someone even though you did it nearly two years ago haha. I put my day 10 results up at

    1. Just popped over to check your progress - you look great James! Congratulations to you!
