Day 30: Ripped Conditioning and Ultimate Abs

Hi everyone!

It's Day 30 - Phase I is in the bag! I killed it today - crushed these workouts!

I'm so proud of myself for digging in the way I have. I made the choice to do this and fully committed to it 30 days ago. I have such a strong support community online. The people I've met who are doing TapouT are all so inspiring. Each has their own story and their own motivation. What's awesome though, is the support that's shared throughout the community of XT'ers.

And to celebrate my 30th day, I got to do a new workout: Ripped Conditioning.

Let's hop to the headlines, below.


1- Today I celebrate 30 days of "chronic awesomeness" as coined by my teammate, Jason.
2- What a nice treat to celebrate the end of Phase I with Ripped Conditioning. Loved it.
3- My second treat? I did every move in Ultimate Abs. Ran hard and fast at it. And crushed it.
4- Not sure if I'll post photos today or wait until I hit the half-way mark. But my body is developing beautifully.
5- I'm stoked for Phase II and III. Exhausted. Sore. Sometimes overwhelmed. But still stoked. Love it.

Memorable Move

My first time doing Ripped Conditioning. I didn't know what to expect and was thinking it would be core centric. Surprise! Not cardio-intensive, not core-intensive. <3  Shoulders, arms, back... all while working the core, of course. LOVED IT.
1- Diamond Tricep Dips.  (I don't think that's the official name.)  Sit, knees bent, hands behind your back in a diamond position. Lift and dip to crank on triceps. All I can really say is damn. Didn't think I'd be able to do them. But I did. All of them. Very intense, but sweet results will follow. I'm a fan.
2- I's, Y's, T's.  Killer move at the end of Ripped Conditioning. Using the bands, arms straight up into an I and down. Then a Y shape. Then a T shape. For 90 seconds. Fast at the end. Owie. My shoulders were torched already, and this was absolutely worthy of being the killer move.
3- GFO's. Killer move at the end of Ultimate Abs. Lay down, pretend to pull an opponent over your shoulder, throwing them to the ground beside you, dynamically flip to the side and over, then do a serious knee drive. 90 seconds. Side to side. I LOVE THESE. I feel completely bad-a** doing this move. It's tough and my abs are screaming, but I don't care. Muggers beware. Bandit will do some damage if we grapple.
Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

Mike often says "What we do to one side, we do to the other."  Today... he mixed it up and made me laugh out loud. "Other side. Can't walk around with lopsided arms. You gotta have two guns." I'm getting there, Mike, I'm getting there. By Day 90... guns at the ready.

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lisa - congrats on getting through 30 days. Big time move towards establishing a habit. I am seriously considering a program like this in the late fall (dropping mileage, hitting the gym for a 2, 3 month stretch) and I am getting a lot of ideas from your journey.

    Other than generally feeling stronger, gaining confidence from the training you have done, are you seeing any other gains that you would share at the close of a month?
