Day 28: Cardio XT and Abs XT

Hi everyone!

Back from a rest day (ahhhh).  I have a busy day today, so I had to hit the workout first thing this morning.  For those of you following along the blog, you know it's not my favorite time for TapouT... I like some food in my belly and definitely some coffee to wake me up beforehand.

It was a push for me from the very start of these two workouts. I was cloudy, and sluggish, and maybe just a liiiiitttttllllleeeee bit pathetic as I got started. Actually, probably more than a little bit. (It could be the Mochi Ice Cream bites I ate last night. I'm just sayin', it could be.)

BUT... I thought of my TapouT teammate Jason, who was diagnosed yesterday with "chronic awesomeness" in a very funny video about a hypothetical trip to the doctor. And I decided to be awesome too, even though I wasn't feeling it.

BOOM! The power of team.  And in that same spirit, today's blog is a shout-out to Mike Karpenko and his very funny commentary in Cardio XT. It's not a one quote day. That's right... a whole list of them!

Let's get to it, below.


1- My TapouT "Team Scorpion" group inspired me so much this week. The people on this team are smart, committed, fit, and fun. <3
2- Cardio XT doesn't seem like it should kick your a**.  But it does. Up and down.
3- Abs XT... ay yi yi. I still have to take breaks during some moves, but I'm hitting them all at this point. Crushing!
4- Mike is so funny during the Cardio XT workout that I had to capture a stream of his quotes today. See below.  :-)
5- My new commitment:  Hit the Abs workout more often... and harder! Bandit wants to steal some amazing abs in 90 days!

Memorable Moves

Gosh, so many, but today I'll keep it short so I can get to the fun part.
1- Burpee Knee Sequence.  Mike looks like the devil when he calls this move. It may be because I'm viewing him through squinted, angry eyes?  Drop to plank, knee strike, knee strike, explode up to fight stance, standing knee strike, standing knee strike. Drop and repeat. <Shudder>
2- XT Squat Jacks. So these... make my body happy and mad at the same time. Squat with arms in an x, then explode into an X jumping jack. A bunch. Next, squat with legs shoulder width apart and arms straight down, then explode into a T jumping jack. A bunch. Hurt. So. Good.
Mike on Fire

I include my favorite Mike "quote" in every day's blog. Today, I was struck by just how many funny quotes there were - about how HARD Cardio XT is. Given that I was struggling with motivation this morning, they struck me as particularly funny.

Mike is awesome, even when he scares me with comments like...
"I warn you, it's not gonna be easy..."
"You're gonna get your sweat on."
"It's gonna be a cooker."
"This workout is gonna be ugly quick." 
"I might just do the warm up and stop. NOT!!!"
"45 seconds of that, and you're gonna cry 'Mommy!'"
"Here's a terror of a move."
There are so many more funny quotes  I could add... but I'll save some for next time I write up Cardio XT.

To Team Scorpion and to Mike, mad love from me to you for keeping me motivated every single day!

More tomorrow,


My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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