Day 25: Yoga XT

Hi everyone!

I'm late in posting yesterday's workout blog, but better late than never. :-) What really matters is that I did the workout on time! Barely... I didn't hit Yoga until 8:30pm yesterday, which is much later than I usually like to workout. Particularly Yoga, which is almost an hour long.

It would've been easy to blow it off with everything going on yesterday. A full and challenging day for me. Although I'm so blessed, that it hardly qualifies to say "challenging." Maybe just full. I thought about blowing off the workout and making it up later in the week. But here's the thing: Blowing off a workout feels like some quiet act of power or defiance or freedom in the moment you make that choice. But it's dumb. The only person who loses when I don't workout? ME!

On to the headlines... below.


1- Yoga was just what the doctor ordered yesterday. I didn't really want it, but I needed it.
2- The stretches felt better, and more critical, this week as I built more muscle. I expect this will continue.
3- My triceps were popping and on fire during the plank moves. I need to look at my arm placement   and see if I need to adjust.
4- My wrists also struggled during Yoga. But the gloves I bought help and prevent slipping. 
5- I had one victory in this workout that I wasn't expecting. The little wins make me smile as much as the big ones. See below.

Memorable Move

I gave myself an atta-girl last night for doing better in most of the Plank/Warrior sequences. I'm feeling stronger and more capable. I'm getting lower into the moves and transitioning more cleanly. (Note - this is relative. I am horribly uncoordinated at Yoga!)

My memorable move this week in Yoga was the Side Plank/Leg Raise sequence. This is the sequence where you do Plank, to Side Plank, Arm up, Leg up, Leg Forward, Leg Fully Extended Forward, Leg Extended and Arc'd Back and Behind, Return to Plank. Last week - struggled a lot. This week - struggled too, but less!  I was shaking like a leaf, but the tree didn't fall. I kept my balance, albeit precariously, even when I started laughing at how my arm was shaking. I'm so glad no one can see me while I attempt some of these moves. I'm sure I look MUCH more glamorous in my mind, than I do in reality. :-D


I've decided that as I move along the continuum from hate - to tolerance - to like - to love of Yoga... I need to pick up the pace. I want to get to the 'love it' stage. That means I need to continue to get stronger, be more accepting of my need to stretch, and breathe through the discomfort with greater ease. I think mostly... I just need to change my mind. Decide to love it.  Wish me luck next week.

Favorite Mike quote of the day:  "Flatten that back. Now push that bootie up. Boom."  His facial expressions throughout this workout are so playful. One day I may just have to watch this workout, without actually doing it, so I can really enjoy it more fully!

More soon, 

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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