Day 20: Sprawl and Brawl

Hi everyone!

Hard to believe it's day 20 already, but then again I can't seem to remember not having TapouT on my to-do list. How boring it must've been!

Today's a big day for me with TapouT...

My TapouT fight name is final and sanctioned by KTrain.  :-)

If you've already read Day 12 and Day 19 blogs, you'll crack up when you hear what it is!

Let's hit the headlines.


1- Sprawl and brawl is scrappy. It makes me feel like I'm in a fighter's gym, smashing it out with the big boys. I dig it.
2- Some of the moves are so intense, I can't even whimper I'm so wiped out. I'm not sure I'm breathing. (Sorry, Mike.)
3- If I ever have to do a dive bomb, say... to scoot underneath an infrared alarm system in a bank, I will surely set off the alarm.
3a- Note to self. Do not try this.
4- Remarkably, you CAN have a good workout after a late night out (thanks, Jonny Lang!). For me, I just have to decide that I will.
5- I'm excited to have my TapouT fight name. I feel "official" and even more a part of this amazing TapouT community.

Memorable Moves

I had a few victories today. This is only my second time doing Sprawl and Brawl.
1- Jersey Shore.  Lunge both forward and backward, with punch combos, grinding them into the ground. Last time I didn't even attempt these. This time I knocked it out pretty well. They're intense, but I worked out some aggression!
2- 3D Lunges w/Knee Drive.  Lunge to the side, then forward, then back and then knee drive. Repeat without pause. Then repeat for the other side. Dang, lunges are hard. But today... they felt easier. Could it be that lunges won't be horrible one day?  Wow.
3- Dive Bombs. Holy smokes, these are hard for me. I didn't attempt them last time, but I did this time. And it's a good thing I wasn't in front of the mirror. :) Per my note above, I won't be robbing banks anytime soon, if they have infrared beams that I have to dive under. Yowsa. Must. Do. Better. This move is seriously bad-ass and looks so fun. But only if you can actually do it with some level of swagger. Today? No swagger.

My Fight Name

Since I started the program, I've been contemplating what my fight name should be... I've cycled through a few options, but none of them felt quite right. Some names that I liked turned out to have cartoon villains associated with them! Yikes. But I finally came up with something I thought was appropriate. I asked Mike for his opinion on a few names - to see which one was worthy of being sanctioned by him, as my official TapouT fight name.  :-)  

Today, we're locked. My fight name is BANDIT.

Why?  Because I'm 100% committed to learning to love the leg band that Mike is such a fan of. (See Day 12 and 19 blogs for more.) And also, I'm planning to steal some amazing abs from this TapouT XT program. I love it. "Bandit" will make me laugh every day, but it will also remind me to get as much out of this program as I possibly can. 


I like the mix of moves on this workout. I like having three MMA guys on this one. Seeing their form, which is less "fitness" and more "fight" makes me push harder. Makes it feel real. I'm starting to think I could really hurt someone with all these elbow throws.  Awwww... Watch out!

Favorite Mike quote of the day will be no surprise:  "You wanna play with the big boys now?" Hell yeah I do. I feel stronger, tougher and more inspired every day.

Thanks, everyone, so much for your support!

More tomorrow,


My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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