Day 11: Yoga XT

Hi everyone!

I survived Plyo yesterday - on to live another day.

Much to my surprise, Yoga was actually... pleasant today.

I know, it's weird.  Let's just skip to the headlines.


1. After the intensity of Plyo, Yoga felt almost relaxing today. How is that possible? If you recall, I don't love Yoga.
2. Maybe I'm just still in a food coma, from the chocolate covered strawberries I ate last night? (Well, they were delicious.)
3. My body feels like I had a workout, but also very stretched, which is a nice combination.
4. Just to be clear, my arms were on fire and I still had to take breaks.
5. But it was easier this time than last time.  Progress.

The Scoop

As I started the workout, I was trying to remember how tough it was last time. I know I was dying. I didn't hate it as much as I used to.

This week was different. Yoga is still hard for me. But it was easier this week. At the start, my shoulders were on fire. My shoulder muscles are developing more than any others, and they were clearly tired during this workout. They calmed down a bit as the workout went on. And some of the moves actually felt really good. Like I would want to do them again. Seriously - that's never happened before with Yoga. I take it as a good sign.

One more note - a new thick mat and yoga gloves both helped me hugely this week. That may be the difference from last week to this. And the gloves have pink dots on them which made me smile. So girly. (Sorry guys.)

Most Memorable Move

Today's most memorable move:  Plank/Side Plank/Flip to 1 Arm Table Pose was impossible for me to do last week. I physically laughed when Mike was making the call. This week, I got there! I tipped a bit and looked slightly ridiculous getting through it. BUT, I did it! To be clear, I didn't like it. But I conquered it. Boom!


I'm not exactly zen about yoga. Namaste didn't cross my mind during this workout - yes, I still consider it a workout. However... I may find myself looking forward to Yoga a bit more through this 90 day program. I'm building a lot of muscle and I'm horrible about stretching. This may be the key to me avoiding injury and improving my performance overall.

Don't quote me on this, but I may learn to love this workout. Yikes!

Favorite Mike quote of the day:
"If someone brought us cupcakes right now, we'd be good, right?"

More tomorrow.  Legs and Back and that *&(#* little leg band.  Wish me luck!

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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