Day 40: Buns and Guns and Ultimate Abs

Happy Tuesday on this Day 40 -

Buns and Guns, and Ultimate Abs.

I. Love. These. Workouts. Who doesn't want nice buns and amazing guns?  Throw in some killer abs and it's a slam dunk!

Today's the first day I got to use my new Ripcord leg bands after my test session last week. I told you I'd report back on how they work.  To the headlines below.

Main Headline

Good news - I love my Ripcord leg band. It makes a HUGE difference in my workout. Not only does it stay put and allow me to focus on my form... it's also much easier than I expected during transitions. I love it. Bandit is a happy girl. Next week I move up in resistance.

Other Headlines :-)

1. Japenko, the fitness model on B&G, is unbelievably fit. And beautiful. Impressive, but just a tad too lean. I want to buy her a doughnut. Or two.
2. The B&G workout is a) short, b) fun, and c) killer. What a great combination for me. <3
3. The Ripcord band makes me at least twice as effective in this workout, because I'm focused on the moves, not the band.
4. Ultimate Abs continues to challenge me, but I can feel myself getting stronger every time.
5. I've got a bounce in my step today knowing my butt, arms and abs are all stronger this morning than they were last night.

Memorable Moves

I like all the moves in B&G. The one that I feel immediately is the Side Squat/Leg Lift move. After two full side squats, raise the leg at a diagonal and to the front opposite side. BAM. These work the glutes big time. Very nice move.

In Ultimate Abs, I'll highlight a move I like less... the dreaded Windshield Wipers. Laying on back, legs straight up at 90 degrees. Drop them to one side stopping about 6" from the ground (well, so Mike says) and then crunch up and reach for the toes. Without touching, swing slowly to the other side and do the same. Repeat side to side with full tension on the abs. Okay, so here's the thing. I hate this move. And I hate it precisely for the reason Mike includes it:  it's hard and it works. OH so hard. I'm not quite at 6" - probably more like 12". But I'm committed to nail them by the end of 90 days. No question I'll earn some killer abs with this move alone. But for now?  OH so hard.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

Early on, Mike is trying to convince mostly the guys that they should want to work their glutes. Us girls, we get it. So funny. Here's his message for the guys:  "I do a lot of band work and I have to say, I get a lot of comments on my butt. Like 'Whoa. What IS that?' And I gotta tell you, it's worth it."

In case there was any doubt, Mike, allow me to confirm. Your hard work has paid off. Definitely worth it.

Guys, do this workout. Us girls are already in.

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
    Author and Coach:

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