Day 23: Buns & Guns!

Hi everyone!

Back from a rest day and fresh onto a workout I haven't done before:  Buns & Guns.


I love saying the name. I love working my buns. I love working my guns. AND, I got to use my beloved leg band today <grin>.  What could be better?

Let's hit the headlines.


1. I put the dvd in and saw this workout is only 31 minutes... I almost fainted from excitement.  <3
2. Did this one first thing in the morning, which is not my normal schedule. This is the one to hit early; others might kill me.
3. These moves are so targeted that you can really feel the burn. There is no doubt you're working each target muscle really hard.
4. My leg band was better today. I've learned how to move my foot into a position that prevents slips. Well, minimizes.
5. I burst out laughing at one point of the workout. I mean BURST out laughing. See below.

Memorable Moves

I loved almost every move in this workout. There may be something wrong with me, but it's true. There were, however, some memorable moments. :)
1- Superman Triceps. So, listen. I'm a pretty smart girl. I can usually see something and imitate it with some degree of success. My first attempt at Superman Triceps... not so much. You wrap the band around your foot while seated, and while holding onto the handles, roll over, and try to get into Superman. Note the word "try." First attempt:  The band wasn't tight enough around my foot and fwopped (technical term) up and hit me in the head. Second attempt, now laughing: I wriggled onto my stomach like a seal stranded on the beach, trying super hard not to let the band come off my foot. I started laughing so hard, I couldn't do anything but lay in a half prone position and try to breath. Third attempt:  VICTORY.  What a great move, but man. I am uncoordinated sometimes. At least I still have my humor?!?
2- Reverse Curls. Why have I never done these before? They are awesome. Especially when you're done.
3- Superman Pulses. Get into Superman, with the leg band around your ankles, then alternate holding and pulsing the legs. Tail. On. Fire.  If I did this move and no other, I'm pretty sure I'd have a rock hard behind. I may have to mix a few extras of this move in here and there. Along with all the squats and lunges in this program... guaranteed results. I'd like my butt to continue to stay up where it belongs, even when I'm 80 years old. Moderate obsession, but it pays off. '-)

I love this workout. It's no cake walk, but it's great to feel exactly what muscles I'm working. The all-over impact of TapouT workouts is one of the best things about the program. But this is a refreshing change up... just buns and guns. The shorter length is icing on the cake. I love a 30 minute workout a lot more than a 55 minute workout. I know that for cardio conditioning the extra time is money, and critical for success. Especially my success, because I need to improve my cardio fitness and endurance. But I'm not gonna lie. This may become my favorite workout solely because I'm in, I'm out, I'm on with the day.  And I get to band-it. :-D

Favorite Mike quote today: "Wanna put your hand on your butt there and give it a nice squeeze? Just don't squeeze your friend's butt if you're working out together." Well, unless they ask nicely.

More tomorrow!  Muy Thai - beyond excited to try it!

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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