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Right after Plyo XT. Dead Tired. |
Wow. Plyo kicked my butt today. And my legs.
I'm so tired I can barely type this update.
This is, without a doubt, the hardest workout I've ever done in my life.
So why do I kinda love it? Let's hit the headlines.
Headlines - Why I Kinda Love This Workout
1. Mike, aka KTrain, pushes hard, but you can tell he's doing it for you, not at you. Does that make sense?
2. I love skaters. Perhaps the only move in this workout I can honestly say I love. :)
3. I'm strangely driven to do more. I want to conquer this workout. Just for myself, no one else.
4. I know I look ridiculous doing some of these harder moves. And I don't care.
5. Mike mentions a few times that the team on the dvd, who KILLS it, started just like us. <3 That is a great reminder and helps a lot.
The Scoop
You read from an earlier post how hard this is. I really just don't have words. It's killer. It's TapouT XT Legs and I feel it in every muscle, big and small, in my legs and butt. I have to stop a lot, and I still have to skip a few moves and substitute something less intense. But man, I am spent at the end. I caught myself a few times today saying, "No, no, no. No. No. No." as KTrain named the next move. And then I'd laugh, because my voice got a little more faint each time. I sound a little pathetic I'm afraid.
Doogie (adorable dog) snuck through my make-shift barricade, into my workout area today. It was an excellent excuse for me to stop for a second and shoo him away. A few times, actually. Note to self: must remember to leave that same space for him to sneak through next time too. It was like a sanctioned break. Ha!
One more scoop: At about the 26 minute mark, there's a water break. And KTrain loses his shirt. This, I believe, is intentional to motivate me to continue. Excellent strategy.
Memorable Moves
Man, there are so many insanely difficult moves in this workout. Here are some highlights and lowlights.
1- Side Lunge Kicks. I have no idea why I like these, but I do. Stand tall. Lunge out to the side into a deep lunge. Hold and then raise your extended leg waist high. Hurts so good.
2- Low Alternating Speed Skaters. Side to side. Love them. At first. Kind of like doing a very, very deep curtsy with your leg fully extended behind you, then exploding to the other side and doing the same. Add knee drives and kicks as the workout goes on and I want to stop. Desperately.
3- Front Lunge/Back Lunge/Hop/Hop. For me, these are more like front lunge, back lunge, hate, hate. :) Ouch. I don't know why lunges are so hard for me. I hope that they're hard for everyone else too. Misery loves company. Wait. That's not very nice. I hope they're really easy for everyone else, and I hope at some point in my life they will be easy for me too. But I won't hold my breath.
4- A few more I just dread, that likely need no further explanation as to why. Running Lunges, alternating legs, fast. 90-90s, where you alternate squat positions side to side. Groiners, where you're in plank and bring your feet up to your hands, alternating.Overall
I continue to be inspired by the team that gets through this workout, Mike included. They are pushing hard and you can tell their muscles are screaming. But they keep going. I'm sure they want to swear and whimper, as I do, but they don't. They-just-keep-going.
Favorite Mike quote today: "That should be pure yumminess right now." He says this while in a sumo squat to stretch during the cool down. It makes me smile. Squats of any kind aren't particularly yummy for me, but knowing I'm in the cool down and about to wrap up such a killer workout... YUMMY. You can't NOT feel great after getting through this workout. TapouT XT is awesome.
More tomorrow... after Yoga XT. :-/
My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
Author and Coach: www.soulforbreakfast.com
Executive Consultant: www.laiventures.com
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