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My legs maxed out after Plyo, Day 17. |
Hi everyone!
I'll just start by saying Plyo slayed me today. Killed me dead.
I think I sweat more water than I could possibly drink back in one day.
The good news? I still love it.. and I learned a lot today about how to make this workout even better over time.
Let's get to my drunk, one-legged frog experience in the headlines, below.
1. If I wasn't destroyed by Plyo this early in the game, why bother with this program? Big realization today.
2. I need to push myself - hard - but not feel bad when I can't do the full duration or the explode moves.
3. My body isn't meant to do tuck jumps. :-) At least not yet. I seriously look like a one-legged frog. Who's drunk. And has a full belly.
4. Mid-afternoon isn't a good time for Plyo. First thing, or mid-morning energy level would be better.
5. Some moves are better on the mat, and others on the floor. Game changer for me today.
Bonus Headline - If I say "Load, Explode, BOOM" along with Mike, I keep my sense of humor much better!
Memorable Moves
There are more moves that kill me in this workout, than moves that I love right now. But again, that's the point. It's not supposed to be easy and it's not supposed to feel comfortable. I'm out of my comfort zone in this workout and that's exactly where I'm supposed to be. So says Mike.
Here are a few highlights and lowlights:
1- Speed Skaters - love them. All of them. I did the "Low" Speed Skaters for the first time this week and felt victorious. You're in plank, bring one foot up to your shoulder, and at the same time push your other leg under your body and all the way out to the side. Then alternate, quickly. Ouch, but awesome.
2- Lateral Lunge, Knee Drive, Curtsey. These are just kick-ass. Smooth movement without break side to side. Killer. You FEEL these immediately in the be-hind. :)
3- Getting to moves that destroy me, I could fill a page. But particularly memorable? Let's start with Groiners. Google it. They are super hard for me, but I did them all this week. That's progress. I did a verbal workout with the physical moves in full tempo today. It goes a little like this. "I. Hate. This. Move. I. Hate. This. Move." And then I finished all of them and laughed. Good strategy!
4- I really struggle with Pop Lunges, Running Lunges, and Lateral Pops. See a trend? Explode moves that start or end in lunges = yowsa. I'm trying to just do as many as I can in good form. And I usually do them with transitions vs. jumps. Not sure I'll ever master these, but even at half mast, they are amazingly effective at working my body.Overall
I don't look forward to Plyo. It's really hard for me. I can't land softly, like Mike says. I can't move as fast as the team. I can't go as deep on some moves. And I don't explode well. But what I do is SHOW UP. I come and get it. I work as hard as I can and then push a little further. For that, I give myself a ton of credit, and take just a tiny bit of power away from this killer workout! :-D
Favorite Mike quote today: "Oh, I KNOW you love that, DON'T you?" Um, no, not so much. But in the broader sense, love all things TapouT XT. Thanks, Mike.
Photo above - My legs maxed out after Plyo today. :)
More tomorrow!
My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
Author and Coach: www.soulforbreakfast.com
Executive Consultant: www.laiventures.com
Va Va Va Voom! Looking good, strong, and defined, nice work!