Day 18: Yoga XT

Hi everyone!

Yoga, yoga, yoga. I want to love you. I'm trying really hard to love you.

Why do you make my wrists scream and my shoulders burn?  :-)

Ah, because you're working perhaps.

Let's stretch to the headlines, below.


1. I like Yoga a lot more than I used to. I give Mike enormous credit, because I never thought I'd get here.
2. Doing Yoga in front a mirror is HUGELY helpful to catching oddities in form. Yes, I used the word oddities.
3. My Yoga gloves help a lot with slipping, but not so much with my wrists wanting to snap in half.
4. Yoga Abs continues to be my fav part of this workout. My least two favorite exercises combined. How do two negatives make a positive?
5. When I finish yoga, and I hesitate to admit this, I feel fantastic.

Memorable Moves

I did better on some moves this time than last... and worse on others. I guess it has to do with what areas of my body need the most stretching. Here are a couple of moves that stood out today.
1- Side Plank with Leg Raise and Rotation. If you've been reading this blog, you know how much I love Mike. During this move, my love fades for a few minutes. Seriously, side planks are hard for me when I'm up on my hand (full plank) vs. on my forearm. Add the leg raise, the knee rotation forward, the extension of that leg, and then the arc of the leg back behind my body... and I wanna cry. I did them today, much better than last time. But being in front of the mirror highlighted for me that I fall into a crumpled heap at the end, rather than gracefully transitioning back to plank.  HA!  I cracked up. I looked like a puppet that someone let go of the strings. Fooommmp. Right into a whimpering pile at the end.
2- Runner's Pose. This is an integral part of the workout and key to many of the transitions. One day I hope to be able to swing my leg through smoothly to runner's pose. Right now it's more like a knee drive and then I grab my leg to move my foot forward. Not very graceful or elegant, for sure.  Maybe if I stop groaning when he says to get in this position it will be easier? :)

I'm thrilled that I kind of like Yoga now. I certainly need the stretches with TapouT; maybe knowing I need it makes it all the better. Either way, I have to work on my grace, my flexibility and my attitude during Yoga. I found myself scrunching up my face and breathing poorly several times today, out of disdain for a move or how long I had to hold it. Must find my zen and connect to peacefulness during this workout, grasshopper.

One more note:  I'm feeling very proud of myself today. It's Day 18 and I've had company from out of town twice since I started this workout program. I've also had 4th of July and my best friend's 40th birthday. (Update - OH, and I forgot two days on pre-evacuation alert due to the fires burning close to our home; packed and ready to run at a moment's notice!) Despite the distractions - I've powered through every day without a miss. I know it's not really a big deal to keep a commitment that you make to yourself. I mean, I chose this, after all. But I am happy about not caving to life's distractions these past couple of weeks. I know I'll have moments where I may have to adjust or miss... but for now, I'm trying to keep this commitment to myself.

My next challenge is a trip to Austin to visit my family this week. It's a wonderful place to be lazy and indulgent, so I'm going to have to stay focused to avoid missing. :-) I plan to loop my sister into sharing a few workouts so that will help! She's getting started on TapouT too, so we'll kill it together.

Favorite Mike quote of the day came as he was trying to touch his toes mid-workout. He couldn't reach them at the start of the workout.  "I'm gonna get 'em, if it's the last thing I do today. Grrrr, Mmmmm. GOT 'EM!"  Proof that Yoga XT works and just so fun.

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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