Day 36: @#$%^&* (Plyo)

TGIF on Day 36, with Plyo on the books.

I know Plyo is good for me. I know it works my body unlike any other workout in the series. I know that I should fully embrace it. (I may have even promised to do that the last time I wrote about Plyo.)


It's hard for me. <insert whiny voice here> I mean, it's really hard for me. I feel a bit like a toddler debating whether to throw a tantrum as I put the dvd in. "I don't waaaanna." As we all know, there's no quitting in TapouT. So I flipped to my big girl attitude, and knocked it out this morning.

And... I learned a new trick that may help me get through it better next time.  To the headlines, below.


1. Plyo is just flat-out hard. Did I already say that? Oh, sorry. I'm just sayin', it's hard.
2. Not sure I'll ever be able to do the jumps and hops fully. Some I can do, others are just too challenging on my knees.
3. I may have to count the number of lunges and squats next time, just to make myself feel even more victorious when I finish.
4. The end of the Plyo workout almost makes me cry I'm so happy.
5. Even my workout partner, Doogie the dog, passes out after Plyo, because he's so tired from watching me.

The New Secret?

At one point in today's workout, I was really tired and ready to quit. (Actually more than once.) I was doing a Squat Hop Punch Sequence.  I closed my eyes for a second to re-group and then didn't open my eyes when I restarted. I realized after the fact that I performed better not watching the screen. I took deeper breathes, went at my own pace, and focused on my form.

Most of the time it really helps me to see everyone else. They inspire me and push me. When I'm feeling overwhelmed or really tired, I feel more defeated maybe, because I can't keep up. By just closing my eyes, or looking away, and focusing on my breath and my movement... I do better. I last longer. I hate Mike less. <haha> I won't do this all of the time, but during Plyo this will help me when I'm feeling the burn. Maybe it goes back to Mike's theory of letting the brain take over?

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

I always have a hard time choosing my favorite. I don't think I'll run out of quotes over the 90 day program. Mike is charming and funny even in the most innocuous of comments.  Today's favorite?  "This is where butts are made. Right here. These moves right here." And with that, I'm IN. :-)

More tomorrow,


My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
    Author and Coach:

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