Day 37: Ripped Conditioning and Ultimate Abs

Saturday morning, on day 37, up and at it for Ripped Conditioning and Ultimate Abs.

There's something pretty awesome about getting up on a Saturday morning and knocking out a TapouT workout. By now, you know how much I hate working out first thing in the morning. No chance to wake up and enjoy some coffee before a workout? It's criminal really. But on a weekend, it feels like a GREAT way to kick off a few days of play.

I looped my husband into the workout this morning. (Misery loves company?) Not a full commitment, but a "try some of the moves" agreement. It was fun to work out together. He's proud of my hard work with TapouT... and might be even a bit more impressed after watching me hit both workouts this morning. Nice side benefit.

Early morning aside, I love these workouts. Here's why... along with a philosophical realization I had this week about fitness and aging. Oh boy. Don't get me started.

To the headlines, below.


1. Ripped conditioning is continuous, intensive, focused work on the upper body. Core work, by default, but all-in upper.
2. Every single move is as tough as you want to make it, and incredibly fun. I push it hard and I love it. Weird, I know.
3. No leg band = upside. All the more reason to love this workout. :)
4. Ultimate Abs is killer. Mike jumps right in, no easing in. Hard core, COME AND GET IT, ab workout.
5. My arms feel like tree trunks as I type this. SO tired. Dead tired. Which I shouldn't like. But I do.

Memorable Move

I love all the moves on Ripped Conditioning and get through the workout pretty well. This means, of course, it's time to get a more intense band. :-) Ultimate Abs is still a BIG push for me. I get through it, but it's tough. I can't say that I love the moves, but not because they aren't fun - they are. And not because they don't work - they do. It's just because they're hard for me!! My abs are screaming by minute 6 and they're on fire by the end. Imagine that - I think that's the point. The high point for me in the workout is when Mike calls Bader Rolls. I love them. Roll back, legs over your head, roll forward and hold the legs mid-air and throw a couple of punches, roll back, repeat. They're intense, but so playful and fun all the while burning your abs. Watching Ryan Bader, MMA fighter, do them with me, makes it all the better. Bad-a**.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

Pure motivation, wrapped up in charm:  "Stick with us here. This is where results are made. You're not on the couch. You're not in the comfort zone. You're with us here."

^^ My Reaction To That Quote ^^

I don't want to be on the couch. I don't want to be in the comfort zone. A lot of people hit their 40's and just give in to getting old and soft, like so many before them have done. No way. Not me. I did that a little bit in my 30's. I'm not doing that in my 40's, particularly as I head toward 50 (ack) in less than two years. It's not about looking 20-something. It's about feeling great, staying healthy, and looking as good as I can in the process. And maybe inspiring a person or two along the way to find their own healthy focus, as Mike does every single day.

My best friend challenged me this week to have "realistic expectations" as I look to the future. His intent was absolutely in the right place - I can't look young and fit forever. I won't repeat my exact response to him, but it was essentially that I plan to set my own rules for what's realistic... for me. I know one day I'll look in the mirror and see "old." But I damn well intend to also see "fit" and "beautiful" right on the heels of "old."

I'm committed to try and be fit for life. If Mike can do it, so can I. I'm inspired. My plan? Come and get it, one day at a time! :-D

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
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