Day 31: Muay Thai and Day 32: Yoga XT

Hi there -

No worries. I didn't skip a workout or do a double. I just didn't get yesterday's blog posted! :-)

This was my second time doing Muay Thai.  I can say without hesitation that it is my favorite of the TapouT series. It's hard, but SO fun.

This was my fourth time doing Yoga XT (fifth?) and I can say without hesitation... well, no, actually, I'm hesitating. Ha!

No, I KID. I like it. I need it. I'm getting better at it.

To the headlines, below.


1. Watching the MMA champs on Muay Thai makes me wanna crush it. I said it once before - more fight, less fitness. I like.
2. When Mike says to think about someone you may want to kick, I crack up. And I do it.
3. I wonder if any of these moves really make me tougher, or just make me feel tougher?  Hmmm.
4. If Yoga was a little shorter, I'd like it a lot more. 52 minutes seems too daunting at the start. It goes fast, but still. :)
5. Knowing I wrapped up Phase I makes me feel more like a veteran, less like a rookie.

Memorable Moves

Both of these workouts have memorable moves for me. In Muay Thai it's because I love them. In Yoga, it's because I still have work to do to conquer them.  Here are two standouts:
1- Muay Thai Killer Move:  Squat/BroadJump/Plank/Knee Drive x2/Walk Back. I mean, really, I'm tired just typing that. At the end of the workout, after punching, kicking, lunging, squatting... Mike calls this move. I whimper a little. I want to quit or half-a** it. But I don't. Why? THERE'S NO QUIT IN TAPOUT. See Mike? I'm listening.
2- Upward Dog and Cobra. I need to master the difference between these two similar poses and I certainly need to be MUCH more graceful leaning into them. I look a little bit like a puppy flopping on the floor vs. the smooth movers on the screen. I'm not sure if practicing in front of the mirror will make it better or worse for me! (My new gloves make it better for sure.)
Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

Today is a two-fer on quotes, both from Muay Thai.  The first really speaks to me. It's hugely helpful when my body starts to scream from the inside out.  "The body wants to quit. Let the mind take over." I say this to myself a lot when I start to hit a wall. Miraculously, my body shuts up and lets my mind take over. Imagine that.

The second quote for today, I just love. This would be even better in video because you could see Mike's facial expression.  "Push the hips back, like 'Hey.' Like 'Hey, check my new TapouT butt out." I laugh out loud. Not just because it's funny. But because I've done it. Right in front of the mirror. Just like that. "Heeeeyyyy." Yep. I know. But guess what? TapouT works.  :-)

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:


  1. First You got a great blog .I will be interested in more similar topics. i see you got really very useful topics , i will be always checking your blog thanks. muaythai

    1. Thanks, Olive! Hope you're enjoying TapouT.
