Day 23.5: 1st Muay Thai Workout

Hi everyone!

Big treat today... I'm still in Austin and I was able to work out with my sister, Leslie. She bought the program when I did, but hasn't quite gotten into the daily routine as of yet. Her time will come. Working out together today should help! We killed it.

So, I've been waiting for Muay Thai since the start of the program and I finally got to do it. It's clear that this workout torched us both, as evidenced by a jump in the pool directly after the workout, while still in our workout clothes. :-D

Torching aside, any guesses as to whether I loved it or hated it?  To the headlines...


1. YES, I loved it! So did my sister.
2. All that punching and kicking. It's like a workout and therapy session, all wrapped up in one.
3. There were only a couple of moves that were tricky. Most were dead-on easy to get and hard to do... just the way I like 'em.
4. Tuck-ins? I need to video tape myself doing these. I'm certain I look, um, deficient.
5. I did two workouts today since tomorrow is a travel day (and it may be hard to fit in a workout.) A little intense, but do-able. Good to know.

Memorable Moves

I really liked almost all of the moves, even the super tough ones. This workout is mad fun for someone like me who enjoys the MMA aspects of the workout.  Here are a few standouts:
1- Single Leg Tucks. Plank position, pull one leg in and then the other alternating. Fast. Mike, you know I love you. But to this move, I say *^&#^$%. These are pretty awful.  Memorable, but awful to do. Or I'm just really bad at them. Either way, *^&#^&$%.
2- Cross/Hook/Elbow combos. LOVE. All of them. Just love.
3- Knee Strike Combos. LOVE. All of them. Just love.
4- Kicking Combos. LOVE. All of them. Just love. 
5- Broad Jump/Plank/Knee Drives/Walk Back. So... at first, I was swearing a bit. So was Leslie. But once we got going, we could feel these babies working us out hard! We plowed them to the end and sweat gallons doing them. Final verdict is that they are tough, but you feel like you've really accomplished something when you finish them. Nice. 

I knew I would love this workout. Everyone seems to say it's their favorite and very few complaints are seen from anyone. Now I know why. You're working hard and burning calories like crazy, but it's SO FUN. The MMA and fitness pro's are all inspiring and working out with them on "their" kind of workout is just awesome. This is one of my favs for sure.

Favorite Mike quote of the day? I should mention that there were several. :) But I'll go with, "This move is butter! I know you're thinking, like, 'What did he just do?'" And then the smile. Mike inspires me by keeping it real, and sharing his personality during the workouts. It's like inviting a good friend into my living room every day.

PS - My folks watched me do four workouts while I was visiting. I would describe them as:

   a) Fascinated - "This workout is interesting!"
   b) Bewildered- "Tell me again, why do you want to do this?!?"
   c) Concerned - "That looks intense! Don't hurt yourself!"
   d) Entertained - "He's funny. And cute." (Mom)
   e) Exhausted - "We're exhausted just watching."

Thanks, Tapout, for a great on-the-road workout!

More soon,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:


  1. Hi Lisa.
    I just wanted to let you know that I read your posts everyday, although much later than when you posted them. I love hearing your opinions on the workouts that day and for making me less crazy for swearing at my computer as I try and do some of the more ridiculous moves.
    Thanks for taking the time to post for others to see. I tried and failed after a couple days (I'm such a horribly slow writer).
    Supporting from the shadows,

    1. Hi Rose,
      Thanks so much for your note! I'm glad that you see the humor in the blog and enjoy following along. TapouT is so challenging. I think it's so much more fun when I laugh at how hard it is. :-) I hope you're loving it as much as I am. Thank you for your support from the shadows!!
