Day 85: Cardio XT & Ultimate Abs

It's Day 85 and I knocked out Cardio XT & Ultimate Abs today.

And I'm almost speechless. Not because Cardio XT takes the very last breath from my lungs by the end of the workout. Not because Ultimate Abs at the end of Cardio XT is like pain on a silver platter.

<--- I'm almost speechless today because I just finished the TapouT calendar. If I was smart, I'd be calling my TapouT series DONE today. I'd claim victory in every sense of the word and I'd feel it body, mind, and soul.

However... I signed up for 90 days of TapouT from the beginning. The infomercial sold me on 90 days. The workouts talk to me about 90 days. The fact that the calendar is only 84 days... well... it doesn't give me a pass on crushing the full 90.

So for the next five days, I'll be choosing my own TapouT routine. I'll do all my favorites and enjoy every minute of my final lap, and my virtual trip to the podium to celebrate completion of the full 90. I can already feel the pride that will come with receipt of my "Earned With Sweat" t-shirt.

In the meantime, though?  BOOM. I crushed the calendar. I'm doing the "happy dance" as suggested by my TapouT buddy Shannon. A very happy "happy dance." I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment. So... to the headlines, below.


1.  Finishing the calendar with this combo of workouts is brutal. Cardio XT makes me give everything I've got, and a little more.
2.  I couldn't help but notice today how far I've come with Ultimate Abs. The first week, I really struggled start to end.
3.  Today, I cranked the ab workout. It will never be easy, because the better I get, the harder I push. But I can do it all, and do it well, now.
4.  The support I've gotten from the chronically awesome Team Scorpion and all of my online communities is no less than amazing. So thankful.
5.  I just realized as I was typing this that I've written over 70 of these TapouT blogs! Wow. I guess I have a lot to say. Surprise. (Not.)

Memorable Move

During Cardio XT, Mike introduces Low Jacks. With this move you do a jumping jack with a twist. Instead of moving your legs in and out, you move one leg forward while squatting down. Now here's the thing. This move is awful. And by awful, I mean that it pushes me and is super hard to do. Pity I won't be doing Cardio XT in my final self-directed 5 days of workouts.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

While Mike is enforcing compliance with the dreaded Low Jacks referenced above, he's yelling at the team. "OH... Stay with us.  Stay with me. PUSH THROUGH THIS." I swear he utters those words or something similar every time I even have a slight thought about quitting a move early. He knows the breaking point is near and he reels you back in by pleading for you to believe in yourself and fight through the break.

And that is only one of several reasons that Mike Karpenko is the best coach I've ever had.

Cheers to my unofficial completion of the TapouT calendar and to the "official" full 90 day completion that's just right around the corner. To those of you who have been following along, I really can't thank you enough for your support and encouragement. It's made all the difference for me on the days where I just didn't want to come and get it. I managed not to skip a single workout, which is a huge accomplishment for me. Insane really. Big thanks for your support.

I'll be happy-dancing all the way to a celebratory dinner out tonight. Anyone care to sing The Tequila Song for me as I dance? :-)

More tomorrow -

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
    Author and Coach:


  1. BOOM! Happy Tequila Night!

  2. Your blog is great and it`s nice to see someone else go through the same things as I have been. I am at day 36 and going strong.

    I am commenting to ask you - have you shared this with Mike on Twitter or Facebook? I`m sure he`d get a kick out of it!

    Congrats on finishing the calendar!

    1. Thanks so much! I've really enjoyed sharing the journey with others who are going through it.

      I have shared the blog with Mike and the broader TapouT community on Facebook. I share it directly with Mike when it says something particularly nice or funny about him. :-) He loves the humor and appreciates all of us who are crushing his workout and enjoying it so much. He's such a great coach and so supportive of everyone in the TapouT community. It's really great to see. He's the real deal!

      Thanks again for your support! Best of luck as you finish up from Day 36. Wishing you all kinds of fun and success with TapouT!

  3. Congrats! So what's next after day 90?

    1. Hi there - I'm not sure yet. I think I'm going to keep with TapouT but mix in some traditional cardio. I really love TapouT and I'm not ready to give it up. Except for Plyo. And maybe Yoga. :-D So fun to be this close to achieving the full 90 days!
