Day 44: Strength Force Upper & Ultimate Abs

LIVE from Boulder... it's SATURDAY NIGHT.  :-)

Today is Day 44, with Strength Force Upper and Ultimate Abs on the agenda.

I.  Can.  Barely.  Lift.  My.  Arms.  To.  The.  Keyboard.

I love both of these workouts. SFU torches my upper body and UA crushes my core as a wrap up. Without a doubt, I love these workouts more when I do them before nighttime arrives.  Busy day today and didn't get to the workout until after dinner time. And in the category of being dumb, I didn't eat prior (dumb) and I'm too tired to eat after (also dumb). I know, it's impressive.

Let's get to the headlines, below.


1. How's this for a declaration?  I feel the least lame doing SFU - of all the workouts.  Ha!
2. I love all of the upper body work in SFU. It challenges me. I'm strong and getting stronger by the day.
3. I introduced a new higher resistance band today for the bicep work. Yowsa, my arms are torched.
4. I am getting WAY stronger at UA of late. Windshield Wipers aside. Oh, how I hate them.
5. On days that require UA as the add-on workout, I want to whimper a little. Maybe shed a tear. But I rally and I crush it.

Memorable Move

Confession time again. Is this the second confession this week? I've said before that I LOVE the GFO move. This is the one where you pretend grab an opponent over your shoulder while laying on your back, and flip over with a hard knee drive as if you're crushing an opponent's rib cage. I'm a big fan of this move because it's FUN and also works the you-know-what out of your core.

Today, I noticed that I missed a nuance in form. To be on Day 44 and just now notice is a little distressing, but better late than never. When I was flipping over, I was touching one of my knees to the ground. When I saw today that I'm not supposed to touch my non-driving knee, I made the adjustment. The result? It's a very subtle change, but the move becomes much more core-centric. To say it another way - GFOs are harder when you do them right. Imagine that.  :-D

I still love them, but in Ultimate Abs where it's the Killer Move for 90 seconds... wow.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

Today's quote pretty much sums up SFU: "Whooo. Who doesn't feel that?!? You feel that in your arms, you feel that in the core, you feel that... total body. That's why... you're gonna get ripped!"

Love the workout. Love the early results. Tomorrow is my half-way point for TapouT, Day 45. I can't believe it really. Haven't missed a single workout, and I've tried not to tap out or take the easy road on too many of the moves. Very proud of myself. Earning it with sweat.

Here's to getting RIPPED in the best possible way - the marriage of strength and beauty in the female form. Count me in.

More tomorrow,
My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
    Author and Coach:


  1. i noticed the same on GFO's last night, I was on day 13, but yes the very same nuance I missed and yes it's a very different move, but I still did the whole 2 minutes of that killer move

    1. Awesome. I'm not alone, albeit a little late to the party. :-) Those GFOs are no joke, but I still love them even in the pure form!
