Day 64: Cross Core Combat

It's Friday!

Day #64, and Cross Core Combat is on the books. I couldn't help but think back to Day #1, the first time I did this workout. I was excited. I was filled with nervous energy. And I was smart enough to be scared.

I remember being torched after that first day. (Check the pics on my Day 1 Post for proof!) I wondered how I would survive the intensity over 90 days. Little did I know I'd not only be surviving... I'd be thriving.

Well, sort of.  :-)  Today, I had an interesting challenge.

Let's get to the headlines.


1. I woke up this morning with a mystery injury. I have no idea how, but I hurt my toe somehow overnight. (?!?)
2. Did you know that the ability to put pressure on your toe is incredibly important to your balance? Why yes, yes it is.
3. Interestingly, balance is pretty important in TapouT. Hmmm. Yep, you guessed it. I tipped like a sleeping cow a few times today. :-D
4. On the flip side, my new workout shoes are so stable, I was able to get in a really great workout (despite my weird injury).
5. I imagine that I looked a little like a monkey shoo'ing away flies today while working out, just to keep my balance. Did I care? Nope.

Memorable Move

I love this workout - but it's a tough one for me. I sweat like the guy with the fight name "Sauna" who appears in a few of the videos. Well, maybe not that much, but I sweat a lot for a girl during Cross Core Combat. All that floor work, and those damn Sphinx Push-ups make me want to fall over - even on days when I'm not having balance issues. BUT, today's memorable move is Freaks. For non-TapouT XT'ers, Freaks are push-ups where you raise your arm and opposite leg at the same time as you come up from the push-up. Here's why they're memorable:

  • I've never done them before. I modified them from Day 1. Didn't have the strength or balance.
  • I did them in full... dude style push-ups, pretty fully extended arm and leg raises, and quick pace. BOOM.
  • I felt strong. I felt powerful. I felt amazing. Oh, and I felt torched. All good.

Note About The Killer Move:  The Grinder

Quick note about The Grinder. I did it again today, all the way through. The big question: Why does completing this move make me so emotional? I think it's because I'm surprised that I choose to do it and that I can do it. I didn't graduate to dude style push-ups for this yet, but I'll start mixing it up next time. I'll get there eventually. I've done The Grinder twice now and my confidence is building. Mike, I hate you for creating this move. And yet, I love you for giving me an opportunity to prove to myself that I'm much more powerful than I thought I was 63 days ago.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

I love all things TapouT, but my favorite thing? Mike Karpenko, aka KTrain. He's upbeat, positive and supportive, but he pushes you to do and be your best. He's in it with you and he wants you to crush it every time. To quit does not exist! Today's favorite quote speaks exactly to what I mean. 

"Now, stay low. I don't want you to come up. This 'standing up tall stuff', not for us... Bob, Weave, Upper, Upper... I know that my glutes right now are saying, 'Mike, stand up.' But I'm not gonna. Stay with me so you can get that rock hard butt. Don't quit on yourself. Prove to yourself, you're better than that. Ooooooh. I'm proving to myself that this hurts! But I'm not quittin'... You got 3... 2... 1!"

Choose to workout hard? Check. Do it even without balance? Check. Do my best? Check. Be my best? Check. Thank Mike for the inspiration? Check.

More tomorrow,


My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

1 comment:

  1. Amazing write-up! Saunas are amazing. I’m a enthusiast!
