Day 65: Competition Core

It's Saturday, Day 65, with Competition Core on the agenda.

<--- Today was one of those days where I did NOT want to workout. I thought about stomping my princess feet and having a tantrum. "NO! I don't wanna." (If I had princess feet, I would totally own these shoes.)

Then I realized that me not working out today, just didn't make sense. I wasn't particularly sore. I wasn't overly stressed. I didn't have a ton going on. I wasn't having a fantastically magic, fun-filled day that warranted a skip for the sake of indulgence. I just didn't feel like it.

Aw, poor baby.

Yep, you guessed it. I decided to COME AND GET IT! To the headlines below.


1. When I don't want to work out, it takes me almost an hour of futzing before I'm in front of the TV and ready to go. Insane procrastination.
2. Competition Core is always hard. It's particularly hard if you aren't into it. But it pulls you in slowly and suddenly you're almost done.
3. On some moves, Mike does them with the team. At one point: "OH, these burn. OH, they burn." Makes me feel like I'm not alone. :)
4. More than 50 minutes of pure core work? It makes me cringe at the thought, but it makes me delight in the results.
5. I so want the ripple. (See quote below.) Not a BIG ripple. A subtle, sexy ripple. Yeah, I know. Clean up my diet. Sigh.

Memorable Move

Today I really enjoyed The Sledgehammer move. (Put the band around the back right foot and pull it up behind the body and up and over the left shoulder in front. Stand tall and then squat and swing forward as if you're swinging a Sledgehammer, bringing hands close to the floor by your feet.) I realized today that when I add more intensity and stretch back more at the top, this move really, really works the core. Before, I thought it was easy and I rather loved it. Now, I think it's much harder... and I still rather love it. Nice! Hello abs.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

At the very end of the workout, Mike is talking about the focus on core. He says, "It was a core day, and then some... You can bench press all you want. You can do squats all you want. If you don't have the ab strength and you don't have the ripple, you don't have a TapouT body."

Thankfully, my abs started off pretty flat. They've gotten strong and firm these past 65 days. I have  a subtle vertical line that runs down the upper abs that I didn't have before. But I don't yet have the ripple. I don't want a big ripple. I'll never eat clean enough to sport a big ripple. Life is too short. BUT, I do want a little ripple. I can't do TapouT for 90 days and not have a TapouT body by Mike's standards!

So I'm grudgingly considering cutting out a few indulgences here and there these next few weeks to see if I can get from today's flat and solid - to a little ripple by 90 days. Don't set your expectations too high, because when I say little... I mean little. I'm not a happy girl unless I have chocolate, maple almond butter, bread (gluten free), sweet potato fries, turkey bacon, and Tequila in my life. Even a ripple wouldn't make up for eating too clean. So I'll go from 80% clean / 20% indulgence to maybe 85% or even 90%. To my friends and family, I apologize in advance if I get a little grumpy. Wish me luck!  :-D

PS - Speaking of eating clean, shout-out to Jupinko (the super fit woman in the dvds), who's competing in the WBFF World Championship competition tonight. In her latest pics, she has more than a ripple. She has an abacus. Crazy lean and fit!  Good luck to her!

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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