Day 67: @#$%^&* (Plyo)

It's Monday, Day 67, and...  it's Plyo day!  @#$%^&*

I know this workout is highly effective. I don't doubt it for a minute. I should love this workout. Truth be told, there are parts of it that I really love. The description from the TapouT XT website says this:

Burn fat and improve athletic performance 
with this sweat drenching explosive plyometric lower body workout.

I sure do like the sound of that. At least in theory. The question is... why does it have to be so HARD?!?

To the headlines, below.


1. I dread Plyo days. I know I should "run to the challenge." Um. I kind of limp to this challenge. It's soooo hard.
2. I am dripping with sweat early in this workout and it doesn't let up for me for 51 minutes.
3. The pace is fast, the moves are intense, and even with modification... this workout torches me every time.
4. Did I mention that there aren't enough water breaks?
5. I had an epic fail today. Does it help that at least I admit it? I didn't do the Killer Move. I told myself I would, but I didn't. Sigh.

Memorable Move

I really don't know where to start with the memorable moves for Plyo, because they're all pretty memorable. '-)  But the one that really got me today was 180 Elbows. For my sane friends who went outside for a lovely jog today rather than do Plyo, here's the move: You squat low, then explode up into the air and turn 180 degrees into a low squat on the other side. As you come down, you throw an elbow as if you were crushing an opponent.

Wow, that sounds really fun as I read it. I'll even reluctantly admit that it actually is pretty fun to do. But it's hard. It's late in the workout, I'm sweaty and tired and breathing hard and wishing it was time for a water break. I want to give it my full intensity... and I have to, because there really isn't a way to avoid intensity on this one. Hmmm. After reflecting on what I just wrote, could it be that this is by design? Hard move, with non-negotiable intensity, in Plyo?!? Imagine that. Thanks, Mike.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

There is really only one quote that I can use to fully capture how I really remember the Plyo workout. To those of you who are doing TapouT with me, you may recognize this. I'm just saying, maybe you will. It goes a little something like this:


I share that quote, of course, with full love in my heart for TapouT and for KTrain. :-D I'm so tired I bet I drop like a bag of rocks by 10pm. I'm sure I'll be lulled to sleep by the sound of Mike repeating "Load. EXPLODE." over and over again. Who needs a white noise machine when I have Mike?

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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