Day 56: Cardio XT & Ultimate Abs

It's Thursday and it's happy hour:  Tequila shots?

Nope. Cardio XT & Ultimate Abs. Far less "happy" of an hour, for sure. You know when you're in trouble? When you have to take a break during the warm-up. Yep, I was that impressive today. On the flip side, I pushed through it - and hard - for an excellent workout. Drenched in sweat, "earning it" with every move, through both workouts.

Here's why I feel great about it:
Yesterday afternoon was rough for me. I lost someone I admired. Someone who had a profound affect on my life. He left the world suddenly and far too early. I was supposed to be at a "real" happy hour today, but passed. I almost passed on my workout too, because I was sad. It seemed like a valid excuse to indulge in a lazy day. Then it hit me:  TapouT makes me feel good. I feel strong and powerful after my workouts. I feel proud and healthy and vital. And so it was today. THAT... is what TapouT does for me and THAT... is why I feel great about working out today. Hard.
To the headlines below.


1. I've said it before, I'll say it again. When I don't want to work out and I do it anyway, I feel 100% committed to my health. Fierce.
2. Today I was thinking back to the presidential fitness thingy's we did as kids in school. I hated cardio even then.
3. Don't get me wrong. I love burning fat. I love being lean. I just hate the process. I'd rather kick, punch and lift without the cardio blast!
4. Even though I said I would try Cardio XT without shoes this time, I forgot. I was afraid if I sat down to take them off, I might not get back up.
5. Ultimate Abs is pretty awesome. It's evil, but in a good way. How can you not feel victorious after you do it?

Memorable Move

There are a lot of moves in the Cardio XT routine that torch me. Today's memorable move is the Rope & Sprawl sequence. You've heard me complain, er, mention that "sprawl" moves aren't my favorite. I much prefer "brawl."  So imagine you're in fight position, or squat position, and you have to wave your arms as though you're lifting and slamming heavy ropes into the ground. (Ever watched The Biggest Loser? Ropes like that.) Then after five tough slams, you drop into a Burpee (hip plant to the ground) and explode back up into Fight position. These are killer!

I had an interesting observation today. I can make any of the moves "less" killer.... by not going as deep, or lightening up the pressure, or going slow, or not tensing my core, or half-assing the routine. I find myself running harder at my workouts the last couple of weeks. Maybe I'm stronger? Maybe I'm more determined? Maybe I'm more confident in the moves? Whatever the reason, I'm killing it. (To be clear, I still look uncoordinated and largely ridiculous. Just more fierce. <grin>)

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

I have to laugh during this workout at how many times Mike says, "Stay with me!!"  He seems to say it at JUST the moment I'm thinking I should lighten up or take a break. I swear it feels as though he's watching me through the tv, talking right to me.

At one point in today's workout Mike says, "What you gotta do is believe in yourself. That's what this workout is all about." No doubt. Later he says, "DON'T QUIT. Talk yourself into this!" during a particularly intense routine. There's a lot to be said for believing in yourself. Deciding that you deserve to be fit and healthy. Trusting that you can do it. Committing fully to do your best, whatever that may be on any given day. Sometimes I have to talk myself into it. Today was one of those days. Guess what? I'm glad I listened.

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
    Author and Coach:

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