Day 55: Buns & Guns & Ultimate Abs

It's Wednesday, Day 55 with Buns & Guns & Ultimate Abs on the schedule.

I am feeling it today.

- My buns are cooked.
- My guns are smokin'.
- My abs are flat-out baked.

I'm starving after an excellent workout. Can you tell by my use of descriptions above?  :-)

To the headlines, below.


1. You know how some days you work out hard, but you're not really "feelin' it?"  Today was NOT one of those days. Hit it hard and loved it.
2. B&G is one of my favorite workouts, and not just because it's the shortest. I love working both of these body parts. Is it a chick thing?
3. Ultimate Abs continues to torch me, but I'm astounded at my progress in 55 days. I can do them all and I don't hate Mike anymore. :)
4. Some of the moves on these two workouts are so isolated... it's like shining a spotlight. You can't run and hide.
5. When the cameraman finds Japenko's butt during this workout, he and everyone else has to just stop and stare in wonder. Rock hard.

Memorable Move

Two moves made my memorable list today, both in Buns & Guns. The first is the photo you see above with Glute Bridge Curls. There's nothing particular fancy about this move. What makes it memorable is that it isolates both the buns and the guns in one exercise. I really love it. It feels efficient and makes me realize that working competing muscles in an isolated way at the same time is just plain smart if you can do it right. This move, I do right.

Another move I loved today, in an I-Hate-It kind of way, is the Widen Feet Stretch. Superman position, legs spread wide with the band for resistance. Sounds easy enough. And it is, in a way. But when you add intensity by really tightening the core and the rear? Holy Smokes, Batman. It cooks the buns. I'm not sure I added enough intensity in the past. Today, I did and yowsa. I like.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

Prior to the Widen Feet Stretch, Mike is getting everyone set up. He says, "Hands out in front. Like you're reaching for a bowl of ice cream. That'd be good right now, right?"  I still laugh every time I hear it. Yes, yes it would be very good about then. Or anytime. I'm into Coconut Ice Cream these days and my friend John just turned our TapouT team on to a new brand:  Coconut Bliss. Can't wait to try it. I may wait until the next time I do B&G, so I can reach for it at the very second Mike makes this comment.  :-D

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
    Author and Coach:

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