Day 70: Workout #2 - Cardio XT / Ultimate Abs

It's Day 70 and I just finished my second workout for today... which is itself, a double.

I want a rest day this weekend, so I committed to two workouts today. Pre-loading, so to speak. I did Muay Thai first thing, and now the little gem of a combo called Cardio XT and Ultimate Abs.

Holy smokes, Batman. I'm torched.

My cool down after Ultimate Abs included lying on the fitness mat exhausted. Doogie, the dog, came over to make sure I was still breathing. I'm not entirely sure I was for a few minutes there. And yet today, possibly more than any other day so far, I came and got it.  It's a nice way to turn the corner into the final 20 days of this TapouT round, yes?

To the headlines!


1. I finally remembered to do Cardio XT without shoes today. It felt so much better and more natural. Kind of harder, but better.
2. My mysterious toe injury came into play without the protection of my rock-solid shoes, but it may have helped me shuffle better.  '-)
3. Cardio XT is so close in competition with Plyo for hardest workout. Both torch me completely. This one may just be the hardest.
4. Since I used my new gloves this morning for Muay Thai, I decided not to press my luck and use them again. But next time I will.
5. Double workout days are tough. I've only done it once before. I hope I don't have to do it too many more times. Ouch. Torched!

Memorable Move

For most memorable move, I have to give a shout out to the Killer Move on Cardio XT:  The K-90. Today was the first time I've done it all the way through. I think until today I've just been too tired to want to do it. (Yikes, that sounds lazy, but rings pretty true.) I have a little extra fire in the belly today, so I was all-in. For non-TapouT XT'ers, this move is 90 seconds of rotating high knee sprints, single arm mountain climbers, and prison oblique crunches. See, even typing that it sounds dreadful, or dreaded maybe. I did it, full 90 seconds, at the end of a 45 minute cardio workout... and then moved on to do Ultimate Abs. I'm not sure I could be any more proud of myself. My mind was screaming "No!"  My body was whimpering "No!" But my soul was screaming "Go!" I've told all the voices to be quiet now, so I can rest body, mind and soul. Shhhhh.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day
Mike:  "Who's ready for the Killer Move?"
Monet:  "I am. It means we're almost done!"
Mike: "You should be rested. You should be hydrated. You should NOT be looking forward to this."
Ha - well, at least he's up front about it. I wasn't looking forward to it for sure. But I cr-uuuuuushed it. Well, at least in my own mind. '-)

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:  

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