Day 69: Rest & Day 70: Muay Thai

It's Thursday, Day 70, and I'm fresh off a rest day.

I'll be doubling up one day soon so I can take another rest day over the holiday weekend. I'm not a big fan of doubles, but I am a big fan of holiday fun with friends. Must. Pay. The. Price.

Today I got to do my beloved Muay Thai. MAN, I love that workout.

<--- But today, I changed the game. I worked out with my new weighted gloves for the first time. Pink, of course.

Um, HELLO! The gloves are a BIG game changer. Do you think I still liked Muay Thai with the gloves on? To the headlines...


1. Yes, yes I DO still love Muay Thai even with the weighted gloves.  :-) This workout is the bomb.
2. The weighted gloves are pretty cool. They add a lot of intensity, although it snuck up on me.
3. I started out awkward with the gloves; they're a bit big, but I got the hang of them as I went along.
4. I think having the gloves, and amping up my game, made me hit it even harder than normal.
5. I also hit it a little harder than normal because of a FB comment this morning. More below. :)

Memorable Move

I'll say again that I love every move in this workout. All the punch sequences, the kicking... I'm so into it. (Oh, wait. I don't actually love the Broad Jump/Plank/Walk Back move. I am landing softer on that one, but I could live without it. Read that as "this move is hard.") The best move, by far, for me is the Side Squat/Knee Drive/Rear Lunge/Knee Drive. It works the body hard and it's fun. With the gloves it's even more intense. Your legs and butt torch from the squat, your core loves the knee drives, and with the gloves, your arms get a good little burn from the 'throw down' into the knee drives. What's not to love about this move? Nothing. Except that it burns. But it's so fun, I don't care. "That's butter" to quote Mike.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

Mike's energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Mid-way on a water break, here's how he wraps it up. "You wanna get results with TapouT. Once you get enough water, guys, let's get back out on the mat. Come and get it. Let's do this. Time to earn some sweat! Let's get out there. We've got more to do!" It never gets old. I engage actively in these workouts because Mike does too. He makes me wanna hit it hard.

A Note on Facebook

Every day when I post this blog and link it to Facebook, I get great comments from my fellow TapouT XT'ers on the various TapouT community pages. You all have been supportive and encouraging to me from day one. I am so thankful for your comments, and the humor we share about how hard this can be. Just last night I got some great comments - from people just starting out and others who are well into the program. I went to bed eager to wake up and crush a workout this morning.

And then I checked Facebook first thing this morning just prior to my workout. Sigh. One of my FB friends sent me a private message saying "I want to keep you as my fb friend, but so... you work out? You can't possibly need the attention."  After a bit of back and forth, turns out that seeing my daily post is annoying to him. Who cares if you work out every day? So what? He thinks it's "babble."

Here's what I realized, while standing in my workout clothes ready to go:
1.  Not everyone will get what you're doing, or why, when you focus on fitness. 
2. You may or may not be supported by others when you take on something BIG like TapouT. 
3. Some people won't understand how you can find value in connecting with new communities of like-minded people on Facebook and sharing your experiences.
Maybe my posts are babble and maybe they're not. But TapouT is a huge focus for me right now. If you know me, like it or not, you're gonna hear about TapouT. And if you give a sh*t about me, hopefully you'll love that I'm doing it, and that I'm getting so much joy from it. Please, just ignore me if you're not interested.

SO... I crushed my workout this morning. I told this FB friend to unfriend me or hide my posts for the next 20 days. I was gracious, I kept my sense of humor, and I accepted that he just didn't get why I would want to share my experience with others. But don't think for a second that I wasn't punching HARD with an image of him in my mind this morning.  :-)

Babble? Bite me.

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant: