Day 66: SFU - Again!

It's a Sunday afternoon, on Day 66.

Today's calendar calls for Ripped Conditioning + Ultimate Abs.

I was so excited because I really like RC and it's been awhile since I've hit it. I get my workout area prepped, pop in the DVD, and immediately start griping to my husband.  I mean, immediately.  It went something like this:
"What? 55 minutes? On a Sunday? (Admittedly, that part is my fault.) @$^*#$&%. Why can't they all be 30-40 minutes? 55 minutes is TOO LONG. And what? I'm supposed to do Abs after this? %#&#)%&*!!"
Hubby remarks that to him, it seems like these workouts fly by when he's listening from upstairs... before he knows it, I'm done. I glare at him. He moves out of striking range. We laugh. And I press play.

About 30 minutes later, I stop dead in my tracks, and then start laughing. I did it again!! What is wrong with me?

What did I do?  To the headlines, below.


1. Ripped Conditioning, I love. Hence my excitement to work out today, even though it's a Sunday.
2. Strength Force Upper, I love less. (Me being gracious.)  55 minutes for SFU vs. 41 minutes for RC.
3. Last week, I meant to put in RC and put in SFU instead. Didn't realize it until the end. I laughed.
4. Today, I did the same exact thing. WTH. I didn't realize it until 25 minutes in. I swore.

Memorable Move

Having done this workout twice now in the past ten days - both times when I didn't intend to - I have a good sense of the moves. SFU has so many push-ups... yikes. I did a mix of guy and girl style push-ups today, and probably got to a 50-50 mix. I'm getting stronger. Some of the push-ups on SFU are super tough.

The Side-to-Side Hover Push-ups" are brutal. You go down in a push-up, move to one side, hover, then press up. You go back down, glide to the other side, hover and then come up. They don't sound that bad. But here's the thing: they are that bad. They hurt. Every muscle in the body is firing. You're doing them slower than normal, so you're muscles are screaming by the end. I feel somewhat justified in my opinion on this move based on the quote of the day below. Misery loves company, after all. And validation. :)

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

Just before Mike introduces the hover push-ups, he says this:  "Be prepared for this one!!  This one is called side-to-side hover push-ups. If you gotta go to your knees, I understand. Ooooo. <Describes the move.> Even the sound of that makes me sweat."

I remember early on in my 90 days just bursting out laughing when he described hover push-ups. Now, I don't so much burst out laughing. It's a bit more like groaning. But the difference?  Now I actually do them. Small victory.

I'm off to hide my SFU dvd, so I won't accidentally put it in again. I think "upper" for RC, I see "upper" in the name for SFU, and my mind has a mis-fire. Must prevent it again at all costs. I think I'll bury SFU in the backyard.  :)

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Author and Coach:
    Executive Consultant:

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