Day 46: Muay Thai

It's Monday... and Day 46, with Muay Thai on the docket. 

Yesterday I celebrated my half-way mark at 45 days with an early rest day. Today, I'm back at it. You can see from the calendar that I'm making progress. It helps me stay motivated, to see it visually. The first thing I do after every workout is come check it off: DONE!

You can probably detect an * on one of the days in Week 6. That was the day I did The Grinder all the way through for the first time.  :-) Amazing day.

The calendar shows 12 weeks vs. 90 days, so I'll have a week remaining when I finish up this calendar. Can hardly wait to get to Phase III in another ten days or so. 

One more highlight?  A BIG one? No Plyo on the calendar for the next 13 days. That's right. 13 days. I'm so happy I could burst! Such good news.

On to the headlines for Muay Thai today. <3


1. Being on the flip side of half-way feels great. I've been beaming all day. Feels like an accomplishment already.
2. Taking the time to measure results yesterday provided a big boost too. Its great to celebrate results, bit and small.
3. I went to bed happy knowing that I had Muay Thai today, coming off of a rest day. That's the best possible combination. Joy.
4. Muay Thai is mad fun. I love it. I'm so much stronger and more precise in this workout now vs. earlier too, which makes it all the better.
5. It's cool watching Miesha Tate on this workout. Her snap kicks are so impressive. She doesn't look mean enough for MMA, but she clearly is!

Memorable Move

One of the toughest - and most fun - moves in this workout is the Side Squat/Knee Drive/Back Lunge/Knee Drive. At first you think, "What a great move. Ooo, that feels good. Not too bad." And then... the afterburner kicks in. You do them for a good long while, and all of the sudden your rear end and abs start screaming a little bit. Particularly if you crunch the knee drives hard and sink deep into the squats and lunges. I have to take Mike's advice on this one and let the brain take over. I'm smiling all the way through, but with a pained expression on my face, because of the intensity when I push myself to work harder. It's a memorable move because it's tough, it's fun, and it works.

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

During the intensity of the memorable move above, Mike is talking to the team through the whole thing to keep everyone motivated and working hard. Here's how he wraps it up at the end:  
"Stick with it. I promise you. This is gonna work the booty. This is gonna work the core. This is gonna work every piece of your body. Even your lungs. C'mon. Strike. Squat. Strike. Lunge. Load. Explode. Load. Explode. Load. Explode. Load. Explode. One More. Load Explode. Last One. Time! Right here, guys..."
I have to admit that "Load. Explode." gets me moving hard on this workout. On other workouts, I want to snap kick the TV when I hear those two words. But on Muay Thai... I love it so much, I'm just busy loading and exploding. Me and all the MMA fighters on the screen. A bunch of bad-asses.

I'm drenched by the end, but smiling ear to ear.

More tomorrow,

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
    Author and Coach:

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