Day 60: Buns N Guns

Hey there - It's Day 60 (wow) and Day 4 of vacation in beautiful California.

Today's workout is Buns N Guns.

Two stunning facts for today.
1.  It's Day 60! I'm through phase II and on to phase III. Wow.
2. It's Day 4 of vacation and I just got in my 3rd full workout. That is a 1st, for sure. Back from a rest day and hit it hard today.
I've had a great time on vacation, mixing in lots of activities in addition to TapouT. Yesterday, beach play. Today, a day at a local ranch working with horses. It's been a truly amazing trip.

Part of what's made it amazing is the fact that I've done my workouts.  :-)  TapouT makes it easy. I honestly think I'd miss it if I took a pass, like I normally do while on vacation.  I'm not sure if that's good or bad!

To the headlines, below.


1. It was really fun to give myself the gift of choosing which TapouT workout to do each day while on vacation!
2. Actually doing the workouts while on vacation... yet another gift. I always, always, always feel better after a workout.
3. Buns n Guns is one of my favorites. It's easy to fit in on a quick day (32 minutes) and straight up effective.
4. Everyone I'm traveling with told me to blow off a workout today after the ranch. Yet, here I am. Sometimes you just have to show up!
5. Looking forward to having my fitness mat again when I get home. It's a necessity for TapouT, for sure.

Memorable Move

All of them. I love all the moves on this video. It's possible that the glow of vacation may be influencing my judgment. Duly noted. Next time I do this workout I'm sure I'll have something to complain about.  :)

Favorite Mike Quote Of The Day

Gotta love a good butt quote. :-)  Early in the workout, Mike is stressing form to be sure the focus is on the butt vs. lower back. "Wanna put your hand on your butt? Give it a nice squeeze? Helloooo. Just don't squeeze your friend's butt if you're working out with them." The funniest part? It works. A little squeeze and you know exactly whether you're bent over enough to hit the glutes. :)

Travel day tomorrow, so I'll use my rest day.  Back the day after!

My "real" life beyond TapouT XT:
    Executive Consultant:
    Author and Coach:


  1. TOTALLY the horse whisperer. So so so fun! I was grinning ear to ear while I did this workout. :)
